Castle the Window People
What a Difference They Make


Just a note of grateful thanks for Castle’s superior salesmanship and installation of our new windows. We absolutely love them! We didn’t realize what a difference they make to the beauty of the whole house! The windows open flawlessly.

If I could I would like to purchase 5 tubes of that great caulk they used because it leaves a wonderful finish.

Thanks again to Castle Windows.


Happy Custome

Company: Castle the Window People
Country: USA
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Castle the Window People
I Love My Windows

Castle the Window People
Arrived on Time

Castle the Window People
Won't stop calling my home phone

Castle Windows
Horrible Customer Service

Castle the Window People
The Overall Demeano

Castle Windows
Ripoff fraud & deceptive selling practices, company will give SLM Financial all the necessary personal information to file liens, they sell a product lie about the lien and make you sign forms and use them for other purposes

SLM Financial
False & deceptive practices, threats of legal action, poor consumer relations, illegal liens on property, Castle Windows in NJ does all their financing through SLM Financial, poor business partners