FlorRd Agency
Ripped me off!


Two boys came to the door asking if I would purchase magazines to help them get points towards something they were raising money for from school. And if I didn't want the magazines, that the magazine would be donated to a local charity. At this time we were in St. Augustine, Florida in a condo which is our 2nd home.

My wife was not in the room and when she came in I asked her what magazines she wanted and she said "none. I have no time to read and we're going home tomorrow" This was said quietly, not in front of the boys. At this point the boys saw my wife and one hollered "Hi mom!".

Because I can't say no to kids, I ordered SCOOPY-DOO and said to donate it that we didn't want it delivered to us. At this time I gave them $15.00 in cash. They took the white slip with them and the yellow slip said to mail in with the balance due of $9.95.

When they left, my wife flipped out and said I had basically told them that we didn't live there year round and when they asked if I thought anyone else in any one of the other condo's might be interested, I also voluntered that most others were not there either. At this point they said, "Oh, snowbirds" and I said yes!

Looking back I think they saw our NY plates on the car and since our parking spaces are marked based on our condo number (A5), they thought we were a easy mark, and I was. I also then realized that I had left not only us, but our neighbors wide open to a possible break-in. I spoke with our maintenence person in the morning and told him and asked that he keep an eye on our place as well as our neighbors.

I will not be sending in the yellow copy of the form with the balance due.

Company: FlorRd Agency
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Delray Beach
Address: PO Box 480309
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Palmetto Marketing, Inc
Palmetto Marketing door to door magazine sales ripoff

My dynasty sales
Craig Troutman Magazine sale door to doo

Atlantic Circulation Inc
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USA Universal Subscription Agency
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CRS, Inc
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Sunshine Subscription Agency
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Free X Press
This young man seemed sincere and came to the door of my apartment while I was babysitting

Familly Readers Inc
Consumer Report

Universal Subscription Agency
Ordered magazines from school kids and never recieved them

Palmetto Marketing