Rip off


When I ordered the instyler I was offered three magazines for two months FREE. They tried to charge my credit card for the magazines, so I had to cancel my card and get a new one. Meanwhile I still had two more payments left for the instyler, I called customer service to explain the situation and they told me I could send money orders for the last two payments. They received the money orders but did not apply them to the balance, instead they turned me into collection agency. I payed the collection agency this month (March) and had sent the first money order to instyler at the beginning of January. I called customer service and asked why they didn't inform me of the situation and ask for a different form of payment, all most two months has passed and instyler didn't inform about anything. They took it into their own hands and turned me into the agency. The guy on the phone was very rude and would not let me speak and kept interrupting me, he kept loudly stating "you will get your money back." I called customer service again asking when will they send my money orders, they told me that they were on hold for about a month, they got what they wanted all along their money disregarding the situation they put me in.instyler has caused me nothing but a headache, and their customer service is horrible.

Company: Instyler
Country: USA
State: California
City: Van Nuys
Address: P.O. Box 10454
Phone: 8003070078
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Tre milano instyler
Without looking at my instyler, they said it is a bogus instyler. It came from China. It worked 4 times then it stoped working. They don't list an address for me to return it

Instyler complaints - Instyle

Instyler - Instyle

The brush on the Instyler do not last for long


Total waste of money

In styler curling iron

Instyler is a peice of shit

Poor services
