Parago, Inc
Will not honor Hitachi HD coupon — almost four months and counting


This is my experience with Parago which seems slightly different from others in the forum...

In late December I purchased a Hitachi hard drive and submitted my $30 rebate to Parago. I received an email saying that my coupon was cleared and would be processed and delivered within the month of January. That was nearly 4 months ago.

After waiting 6 weeks, I checked in with tracking on-line and saw that my status was the same. I emailed them and got the same email confirmation letter only with a new deadline date in February and a promise that the check would be mailed within 2 weeks.

Well, I checked the website again after another four weeks and, sure enough, nothing had changed with my rebate status. This time I was really angry - you know what they say about being fooled more than twice. So I tried calling them. Their number on their website is very hard to find (you have to go click on the privacy policy link at the bottom of the page and call customer service). They checked my information and said that the coupon had been sent that morning. That day I received another email saying that my check would be mailed within 2 weeks in March.

I waited another two weeks and checked the tracking status today. They said the check was still being processed. When I called a customer representative (had to search for another number on the internet because the original numbers were no longer in service!) and they said to wait 7-10 days while the order is "expedited." When I told him that I got a similar answer from the last customer representative he just repeated the same line that the order was being expedited and there was nothing he could do about it.

I am at my wit's end. It is not the $30 that counts but the fact that this company is clearly trying to bilk you of your rebate coupons by banking on the fact that most consumers would not go to the trouble of searching out delayed coupons. After the phone call I fired off an email threatening to contact the BBB and Federal Trade Commission if the coupon request was not honored. When I saw the complaints on the forum I decided to contribute my story too.

I am not normally someone who complains about business complications but Parago is a company that is so obviously crooked that I felt a need to say something about it. For all those others who are experiencing the same problems I am I hope you write people so everyone will know what kind of sleazy business practices this company is engaged in.

toronto, Ontario

Company: Parago, Inc
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Lewisville
Address: 700 State Hwy, 121 Bypass, Suite 200
Phone: 8773671800
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