Kenlin Capital - Joeseph Sorrentino
Fraud "Lender" Extraordinairre - lies and lies, steals fees, cheats the irs, etc. - just the beginning!


We dealt with Joe at Kenlin for 3-4 months and figured out his game. I have much more to share but will hold some of his methods back for brevity and say he lives off of fees generated from his loan commitment letters, then he postures like hell for as long as it takes to knock the wind out of your sails. Then he wins. He will even "close" into escrow and not fund. Doesn't pay his attorneys fees either except for one "corporate lawyer" named Spencer (for hire) in Vegas - great image for Joe btw using a Vegas attorney all the way from Con-necticut. He recycles closing attorneys like tin cans because he can only defraud a person once and then you know. Who are the bigger chumps? - those of us who let him take our money and lie to us for weeks on end, or the attorneys that run up huge closing fees and get nothing for it. There is a growing list of people and Joe's day is coming due.

This is an anynomous report, but we are assembling a list of people (over 6 so far) that have been defrauded by Joe and we are going to stick it to him. Don't fall for his psycho-maniacal moves. He is smooth and excercies daily craft at being a con man. Be careful because it apparantely runs in the blood and he has a son that practices his craft. People - there is no "trust" and he has no money. You want proof - contact me. I have it.

Company: Kenlin Capital - Joeseph Sorrentino
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Stratford
Address: 641 Washington Parkway
Phone: 2033757900
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