Green Tea Xtreme
I want my 74.12 back


I want to use the money on my debit card. It ws gone. SO i called to see what charge had went threw an there was a 74.12 charge to my green tea. When i recieved the product i dismayed it i never order it just started coming in the mail. I'm a internet user thought it was free now ir cost me my bill money for a weight loss pill i never wanted.

frontenac, Kansas

Company: Green Tea Xtreme
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Provo
Address: 3575 North 100 East
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Health Pill Scam

Green Coffee Diet, LLC
Consumer Report

Online Health - colon Cleanse - green Tea - colon Aid - green Tea1000 - green Tea Pill Power
I was scammed!

Greentea Pro -
Weight Loss Green Tea Weight Loss I ordered samples for weight-loss, Green tea Pro fat burning system. I never received the samples, nor did I order anything further, but my credit card has been charged $84.90. Utah

Trex/green Tea, Green Tea Pro
Don't get The Green Tea RIPOFF Weight Loss Product

Green Coffee Diet, LLC
Consumer Report

Green Dot Corporation
And Ready Debit Where's My Money

Green Tea Hawaii
Consumer Report

Green Tea Pro
The same scam, Physical Enhancement Labs, Inc
USAVEONPILLS offered weigh loss pill called Phentrazine for a free trial for $4.95 S/H. Then they charge your credit card $149.95, OK City Internet