Vector Marketing
Manchester Area Vector Marketing is scamming college students and people desperate for a job


My mother saw an ad on craigslist detailing a job that paid "16.50" and was in the Manchester area not too far from where I live. I applied on their website and was surprised to receive a phone call within a few hours. I was scheduled for an interview the next day at noon. I was told to arrive 15 minutes early, dress nicely and bring a pen and paper. At this point it seemed a bit odd to me that I was contacted so quickly and I was curious as to what the job actually entailed doing.

I arrived at the office which seemed to be in poor condition. There were a few chairs laid out and a desk in front of a whiteboard. I introduced myself to a man who was assisting in the interview and was given a clipboard to fill out. At noon there were seven of us in the room and the interviewer named Kyle Preman started taking applicants into his office for a short 2-3 minute interview. When it was my turn I was interviewed with the typical cliche interview questions and was congratulated that I had passed the pre-screening.

Only one of the applicants didn't pass the pre-screening and I'm not quite sure why. From this point on there was a 2 hour group "interview" in which Kyle went into some detail about the job. If you could call it an interview. He told us some history about the company, showed us the products we would be selling and how easy it all was. If there's one thing that came to mind it was infomercial, and I say that no in regards to what we would be doing on the job, but rather what Kyle was presenting to us.

I haven't been to many job interviews but there has to be something wrong when the interviewer is trying to win you over. He made outrageous claims about the products he was selling and used examples that were highly biased in his favor to back him up (he had me cut a rope with a dull knife and then a brand new CutCo knife). He also won us over by using showman's tactics (anybody have a penny? I'm going to take this penny and cut it into a corkscrew, ooo, ahhh!).

Towards the end he went over pay rates which is where my bulls*t detector went off. Apparently based on the "average" numbers after working there for 4-6 weeks you would be receving an incentive rate that under the pretense that you worked 36 hours a week, 48 weeks a year you would be earning approx. $200,000. As an entry level sales job there's no way that's going to happen.

When I got home I looked up the company like I should have done and read about all the bad reports they have going for them. While I do believe that this is a potentially profitable job for those who are really good at marketing the average person this is aimed at will not succeed. They will be given the job, hit up their relatives and family for the first few "training" appointments and get sympathy buys, after which they will have exhausted all of their potential clients and promptly quit.

The manager running the office though gets cuts on each starter kit he sells to applicants so it makes him happy. They continue putting up more ads for what seems to be a "great opportunity" and cycling through applicants and their family for easy business.

I wish I could have warned the people there in the interview with me, they'll probably fall for this crap.

Company: Vector Marketing
Country: USA
State: New Hampshire
City: Manchester
Address: 500 Harvey Street
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