Horizon Technologys
I invested $3,350. Part of that was for advertisement. I could never get in touch or help from them


In I was sent a postcard to invest into their gps tracking company. They made it sound like the newest technology. I invested $3,350-$850 of it was for then to send postcards & brochures to about 500 companies.
It was hard to get in touch with the person who was supposed to be helping me with information & what to do. I was always getting the run-around. I was persuaded to invest my last $850 because I was told everyone but me had sales.

Out of the 500 companies they were supposedly had contacted, not one sale was made! I'm a single mother who was ripped off.

Company: Horizon Technologys
Country: USA
Site: horizontechinc.com
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Horizon Technologies LLC
Ripped us off for Almost $11,000-Not one sale! What a SCAM!

Intraspect Group Inc
National Housing Solutions DO NOT INVEST I invested over $140k, then turned it into a note to the CEO personaly they have made no attempt to repay and even diverted funds that were mine

Horizon Technologies - Millennium Plus GPS
Sue Don't be another victim of Horizon Technologies Rip Off Scam

Single Step Invest.com
Consumer Report

US Supreme Technology
Consumer Report

Horizon Technologies
Made me believe I would make my investment back fast

Bankcard empire
I invested 10.000.00 to there company so i could start a home business to make some extra money

Unlawfully kept money that was invested and was supposed to be free to access anytime Ripoff

Horizon Technologies
Millennium Plus - Angel Star GPS average people ponzied again. No business licenses SCAMMED SCAMMED SCAMMED

Max Invest
I invested $2500 with them to invest in the FOREX market, they guaranteed a set return. The return was made and placed into my account. But I could not get my money out