SFL Nutrition, LLC
Acai Berry Supreme Shipping Department Deceptive Business Practices - 15 Day Trial SCAM


Wanting to take advantage of a 15 Day Trial offer which states: "Upon receipt, you'll have 15 days from the date that the product was shipped to evaluate and see the results for yourself." So, I ordered the AcaiBerry product over the telephone on 2/2/09. Received a call from someone a couple days later asking about my order and suggesting other products.

I declined and said I would first like to see how the AcaiBerry product works. On 2/13/09, having not received the product, I called the company and was told that "the product had not shipped yet" and "he was not sure why but it would be shipped now." I got the product on the mail on 2/17/09 and then my bank card was charged on 2/19/02 for 88.62 and $2.66.

I immediately called the company when I saw the charges and proceeded to explain my disapproval of their charging my bank card and they just kept telling me that their Terms and Conditions specifically state that the "Trial" takes into account the shipping time frame. They said that the product was shipped on 2/4/09 and 15 days later I was charged for the product.

Over and over I explained how I had to call on 2/13 to find out where the product what their representative told me at the time. They would not pass me to a supervisor and basically said they would convey my complaint to someone by the name of Charmane. I then contacted the USPS to ask about the shipping process and they said they could not determine the originating city the product was shipped from but that my package was recorded as being shipped on 2/4/09.

On 2/14/09 their records show it left Atalanta.interestingly, that's the day after I called to find out where my product was! The USPS suggested I file a complaint with the BBB in both my home city and Florida and to also file a complaint with the FTC. The company has an "F" rating by the BBB and based upon the other complaints I have read about this company, I am not alone.

Clearly this is an unethical and deceptive business practice and I am really surprised that they continue doing business even as I write this message. They are preying on unsuspecting people and taking hundreds of thousands of dollars from their bank accounts. It truly must be stopped!!! This is a great country we live in and consumers should be protected from this kind of activity.

Company: SFL Nutrition, LLC
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Boca Raton
Address: 123 NW 13th St., #212
Phone: 8009033002
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