American patch and emblem co
Patch work, NOT! - American patch


I tried to work with this company to manufacture an iron on patch. I sent them the art work with notes on what was needed. Samples were coming back with colors changed and details missing. After giving the customer service representative the same instructions, on the fourth time I tried to find out what was the source of the problem. Turns out the problem was her, she was not paying any attention to my order. When questioned, she became indignant and canceled my order. Later the owner of the company called my residence and left a hostile message on my machine.

Company: American patch and emblem co
Country: USA
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American patch and emblem co
Patch work, NOT!

American Patch & Emblem
Left a hostile message on my machine

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Ripoff very dishonest, they say there the number 1 selling patch not true but they got my money I want it back I work hard for my money

Ripoff does not work Do not buy this patch unless you are looking to throw away money.internet

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