Scentura Creations, C.E.O. Management
Taking advantage of those who are down and out with promises of paid training and a decent salary


I would like to UNITE the people who have been taken in by this fraud. There are so many young, impressionable, poverty stricken people who truly believe that all of their financial problems will be solved, if they can just stick through the training. Sure, I believe its possible, for a select few... Just check your morals and ethics at the door, put on a smile, and come on in!
I stayed a full week, knowing it was a scam, but too curious to just leave... I wanted to know how they did it!

The whole idea is based on sales and recruiting, recruiting, recruiting... But if everyone who comes in (7-15 people a week, just in hayward) gets to start their own office, wont the exponential growth of the business eventually drown itself out? I was told that, of course, not EVERYONE can open their own office! Lie #1.

I was told I would be required to work 5 days a week, monday through friday, 9:00 to 5:30... But then I was told that saturdays were mandatory/optional... Hmmm, what does THAT mean... And Sundays, and when you go home, and when you go out... Okay, so personal time is out the window, I guess. I can deal with that, if I'm making money, sure, the few hundred dollars per week for training, right? And I'll get time off when I get to open my office, this is only temporary, right? No no no... If you have no personal time, you cant talk to your friends and family, you become separated, and the only people you get to speak to are your trainers and co-workers, so the brainwashing continues. Oh, and when the end of my first week came around and I expect to see a paycheck, no no, I now have to wait until the end of my second week! Some of the people I was with hadn't been paid at all for 3 or 4 weeks, but still believed in the dream... Lie #2.

Then I decided I would go on the 'fun car' trip... You know what I mean, when they get four people together and you go somewhere far from home to sell where they dont know you, get a hotel room, and come back the next day. At first I was under the impression that we would be staying in San Jose, because thats where we went that morning. The San Jose office was interesting, there were a lot of people, there was loud music, everyone was smiling and welcoming, I liked it. Then the meeting started, promotions were handed out, I got promoted. Everyone acted like a cheerleader, that kind of thing... Then we all branch off into our separate cars and head on our merry way. My car went to Napa, so I had to call my family and tell them that I was going to Napa and not San Jose for the night (at this point my dad was thinking that I had been caught up in some sort of prostitution ring).

I had to stay the night in a motel 6 room with two men and one other woman that I had just met, with only two beds in the room. I've stayed at hotels for work before, and an employer NEVER places men and women in the SAME ROOM. So we start selling in parking lots and in small businesses, avoiding security and police like we were doing something WRONG. The police get called on us twice, and I find out that my trainer, Ivan, thinks that its not worthwhile to pay for a soliciting permit because it would be too expensive... No matter that its the law, we want to save money. Oh, and on the subject of freehashing (for those of you who dont know, freehashing is begging for free food after you try to sell to the nice people working the counter at fast food restaurants) I think that its just immoral.

The people that I worked with know how to hustle, and one of these days one of those poor fast food workers is going to get fired because of them. When I brought the subject up to Ivan, he said "thats ok, because its a dead end job anyways, I would be doing them a FAVOR". Lies Lies Lies...

So my point is, anyone who has been or is being scammed by these people, and has begun to realize what they are really all about, contact me! Post here, call the better business bureau, just DO SOMETHING. Dont let another single mother, young father, hopeful teenager, or recently laid off honest worker throw away their time and dignity. It matters.

Company: Scentura Creations, C.E.O. Management
Country: USA
State: California
City: Hayward
Address: Soto Rd
Phone: 5105816030
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