MWI Galleria
Credit card ripoff, unauthorized charge


MWI charge my credit card for $139.95 for what I don't know. After talking with them, all they have on file was the right name, but it was for someone in Texas. I never lived in Texas, and I still I don't know how they got my credit card no.

They said they will send me a check for that amount, but now after checking them out online, I am not sure they will send it to me. How can they rip so many people off and still out there doing it again. Shouldn't they be in jail already?

Company: MWI Galleria
Country: USA
State: Nebraska
City: Omaha
Address: 9500 W Dodge Rd
Phone: 8004749172
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MWI*Galleria USA

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Consumer rip-off fraud Connecticut

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Unauthorized charges to bank account Internet

Mwi Galleria
Ripoff fraudulent charge of 139.95 consumer fraud ripoff

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Mwi Galleria Usa
Unauthorized Credit card charge

Mwi Galleria
Credit card fraud unauthorized charges

MWI Galleria USA
MWI Galleria fraudulent ripoff business took $159.95 from our bank account unauthorized

Mwi *galleria Usa
MWI GALLERIA USA fraudulent ripoff business

MWI*Galleria USA
Credit card fraud