Mwi Galleria Usa
Unauthorized Credit card charge

Education & Science

I checked my credit card online for recent payment, because I am on a disability claim. There I found a charge for MWI*GALLERIA, for $139.95.

I did not authorize this charge. I am trying to keep my account inactive, so this charge should never have exsisted.

Appearantly, I am not the only one being ripped off. This fraudulent company seems to have many aliases also.

I am contacting my credit card company, by regestered mail, as I am also contacting the appropiate authorities.

Franklin, Pennsylvania

Company: Mwi Galleria Usa
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Huston
Address: 7100 Regency Sq. Suite 102
Phone: 8888610495
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MWI*Galleria USA

AP9 Galleria Usa
Unauthorized charges to bank account Internet

MWI *Galleria USA

MWI*Galleria USA
Credit card fraud

Mwi Galleria
Ripoff fraudulent charge of 139.95 consumer fraud ripoff

Mwi *galleria Usa
MWI GALLERIA USA fraudulent ripoff business

MWI Galleria rip-off scam USA

MWI Galleria, MWI Simple Escapes

MWI*Galleria USA
MWI Galleria USA Surprising charge of 139.95 noted on my credit card bill. This is a ripoff. I have no idea where the charge came from. I need that charge credited! Ct

MO2* Galleria Usa - 888-256-3076 Ct / MO2* Privacy Plus 877-500-5774