Robert Lee Gibbs Jr AKA Bobby Gibbs
Robert Lee Gibbs Jr ripoff child abuse


Robert Lee Gibbs Jr AKA Bobby Gibbs Child Abuser abused & mistreated ripoff business from hell cheated employees and screwed the customers even more con artist fake ripoff consumer fraud ripoff consumer rip-off fraud corruption dead Beat inconsiderate Mom Mountain Grove Missouri...

Robert Gibbs abused his own daughters Brett and Brittnee. He stole them from me in 1993 and when he finally brought them home (because he was court ordered to) Brett age 4 had a bruise (in the shape of an adult hand and fingers) imprinted on her thigh. Brittnee age 3 had what resemble two huge burns (one on the front of each thigh), the emergency room said they could not diagnois the sores because they were too infected (this was the morning after he had returned them home late at night, rapped in blankets, unconscious.

His family supported him threw all of this. His brother Bret even threatened to knock my teeth out at an ice cream parlor in Collinsville, Illinois if I didn't allow Bobby to talk to his kids. My children have never recovered from whatever happened to them in 1993 when he stole them from me.

In 1997 Bobby shot and killed Brett's pet dog Copper in front of her... He ordered her to stand and watch it bleed to death. I was divorced from him and my daughters were at his house on visitation when this took place. He also shot and killed Brittnee's dog in front of her.

Brett is now in a home, I wont go into details about her problems but she is a beautiful 14 who real probably never recover and/or have a normal life as a result of his abuse. MY other daughter Brittnee is doing well, she just made the honor roll... She once told me: Mom I am about self survival, Brett is about self destruction because of all the things dad did to us. Brittnee is strong and she refuses to let him and his scummy family and friends get to her. His current allies in his abuse and wrong doing are Larry Emery and Robin Murphy. Women, children, parents, and elderly beware Bobby Gibbs is an user and abuser. He will dstroy anyone he can and laugh about it with his saddistic friends later.

Company: Robert Lee Gibbs Jr AKA Bobby Gibbs
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: Mountain Grove
Address: R. R. 1 Box 88b
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