411 Web Directory
Deceptive practices to ripp you off


I was looking for help on internet in regards to back taxes owed, I do not remember how many forms I filled - up, to make a long story short, I Was contacted by 411 web directory, based in culver city california the lady was nice, and talk to me into accepting their help.

Provided I paid them 200 dlls, as a retainer, I stupidly signed all the papers that she e-mail me, and right after I did that She introduced me to some one named Bob friedenthal, who started talking and asking me questions, and almost right away He goes and say mmmm We need and additional $ 1,000.00 dollares, to jump rigth into your case, I refused to accept

This happened in a friday, I said I do not have anymore money, and I want out, you can keep the retainer monies, then He went crazy, threated me to turn my account to collections and this and that, and then hanged - up the phone on me. Long story short, I was ripped -off of $ 200.00 dlls, They never did anything. I wish I could get a lawyer to sue them.

They are 411 web directory your worst nightmare.

Company: 411 Web Directory
Country: USA
State: California
Address: 10559 JEFFERSON BLVD. STE C
Phone: 3108428008
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