Advanced Lending
Almost ripped off

Education & Science

I was too, almost, ripped off by Advanced Lending, Houston, TX. I received the number from a friend who got it out the newspaper (800-440-2137) and I call and left a message. A lady name Lisa Taylor returned my call, she was so nice, pretending to be your friend and your life long representative if you were approved for a loan. An hour later she calls me back and tells me I am approved for $25,000 dollars, at first I was shock that any company would give me a loan for that amount of money since I have bad credit and bankruptcy, but she assured me that this was leggit and promised that if I secure the loan with $1150 I would have the money by the next business day.

She was so nice and claimed to be such a Christian that I started beliving her, as I was on my way to send her the mony by moneygram to someone named "Pat Moran" (which I think is really Lisa's name), I started feeling skeptical and started asking questions about what things were on my credit report; could someone else call me back other than her; but she could never answer the questions and kept coming up with excuses, and she was always calling from a private number. (Also the company number is not listed in the phone directory)!!!

Long story short, just as I was about to send the money my friend call me and said DO NOT send any money, this was a scam, she had called the BBB and looked the company up for complains on the website.

So be very careful when you are talking with these scam artist, never send money ahead of time, I'm so glad I was saved in the "NICK OF TIME"!!!

I'ts really sad people are taking advantage of others like this, but they will Reap what they Stole!!!

Company: Advanced Lending
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
Phone: 8004402137
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