Safety Enterprises
To get scammed or not to get scammed, That is the question


The job seems nice, being told you will make $4,000 a month. Being a manager and your own boss... When I heard those words I instantly though, this has to be fake. She told me I had the job. Just wanted me to come back later that day, or in a couple days and have $165.00 in hand. Said it was for a Training Kit. The deposit for it or something.

I haven't even gone back to give them the money. I'm not either. I would find something better to waste my money on than just giving it to someone who has an empty promise for employment.

I also saw some reports made from elsewhere, and figured I would let everyone know they are in Galion, Ohio as well. Don't fall for the scam everyone... Keep your money, a real employer, won't need it. They will take it out of your check.

Company: Safety Enterprises
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Galion
Address: 125 1/2 Hardingway East Suite 2
Phone: 4194685619
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