Christy Wisemore - Little Rascals Learning Center - Jay's Learning Center
Allowed a convicted felon to vist a worker during work hours - shut down with no notice to parents, leaving kids w/out anywhere to go after school


My daughter attended Little Rascal for many years and I was (for the most part) always pleased with the employees. The directors of the center during the time she attended were great, doing what ever they could to accommodate our varied schedule. Most of the workers were kind and my daughter liked them a lot.

Unfortunately, Christy ran off all the good employees. Her tendency to blame the director for her mistakes (billing, etc) was obvious to me, as I overheard phone conversations while dropping/picking up my daughter.

In the beginning the director did the accounting and there was hardly ever an issue with the account balance. After Christy took it away from them, it was always messed up. I had checks that weren't cashed for months and / or weren't credited to my account. I began keeping track myself and paying what I knew I owed, not what the provided statements said.

In early December there were only a few kids left b/c all the good employees had quit, I came in one day to a woman I'd never seen before and a man there with her. I asked who they were and she told me she was the new "director" and he was a worker. Later I found out that this guy was a convicted felon on probation for a drug charge and not an employee, the boyfriend of the worker who was hanging out there all day. I'm not sure if Christy knew about this as it was happening, but I did tell her when I found out.

The week of 12/8, I asked the worker directly if the center was going to close down b/c they only had a few children. She said that Christy told her that the Buckner location was definitely going to stay open and not worry. On December 18, I dropped my daughter off and the worker didn't say anything to me about the center closing. The next day (12/19), my husband went to drop our daughter off and there wasn't anyone there. He waited until 615 (b/c it's happened before that the workers overslept) but then I had to make other arrangements for my daughter for that day.

At 130pm on 12/19 I called the daycare to make sure they remembered it was an early release day so they should be picking my daughter up from school. Christy's daughter answered and said the center was closed down. She said she was there with a friend getting something. I demanded to speak w / Christy, but was told she wasn't there. After a couple minutes of questioning, I got Christy's cell phone #. I called and Christy told me that the worker was supposed to give me a paper 2 weeks before saying the center was closing.

I said obviously I didn't get that b/c I was relying on them to pick my daughter up from school, which I wouldn't do if I knew they were closing.
I told her I didn't believe her that she put a notice out but that if she did, as the owner she should have assured that all parents were notified (like a phone call to the 3 parents still sending their kids would have been difficult).

After talking to another parent, she told me that on Thursday 12/18, the worker called her and said to come get her little boy b/c the worker was tired of working and wanted to go home. There were 2 children there at the time, but I haven't talked to the mother of the infant.

I called the state and was told that Christy had said there weren't any children attending in Buckner and she was selling the center on 12/19/08.
The state said they couldn't do anything unless she tried to open a new center or reopen a center, b/c if she wasn't in business they had no authority.

This woman is a horrible business person and a liar. Stay away from her and any center she may open. I would like to get this to the state of Florida b/c I heard that her family was moving down there and I'd hate for another town to be caught up in this mess.

Company: Christy Wisemore - Little Rascals Learning Center - Jay's Learning Center
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: Buckner
Address: 025 Sibley
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