Advanced Wellness Research, Inc. ACAI BERRY
COmpnay is a rip off, not telling pertinenet information on overpricing product


I ordered a trial of the product, and it did not arrive for 4 days before the "trial" was up. I paid $4.95 shipping. I did not see the terms of this"trial" It arrived 4 days before they debited my card an additional &78.81. I called them and they said it started the day I ordered it. I ordered it the 11th, it arrived the 24th. And I am suppose to see if i like it in 4 days before they soaked me $78.81 for 32 pills.

I called and tried to reason with them that this wa robbery, as how can I see if I like it in 4 days? Thye said I should have called before the 14 days. I just was appled at the gall. I have a buiness to run, it never occured to me it started fromt he day I ordered it??? Thye are rip offs and scammers. Stealing money.

I intend to reoprt them to the BBB and the attorney general as this is stealing. Please read all terms and conditions and call befor eyou order anything, I know my days of ordering "free trails" are over. Nothing is free. It just adjitates me when I run a good business, not trying to cheat anyone, and these people get away with murder. I hope they choke on thier pills.

Company: Advanced Wellness Research, Inc. ACAI BERRY
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami Bech
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