Real Solutions Labs - Cheshunt Overseas Ltd - Natural Acai Berry Supplement
Cheshunt Advertises 10 Day Trail for $4.95 Then Hits You for 30 Days at $69.95 in 10 Days Charlestown, St. Kitts Charlestown Nevada, Florida, Plano Texas


I have the same complaint as Anna from California.

Do not buy from this company!!!

This Cheshunt Overseas Ltd. Is an underhanded company trying everything they can do to sucker you into buying their product in an unethical manner.

I received a package in the mail from them containing natural Acai berry supplement dietary pills about 2 weeks ago. The bottle was 20 capsules. There was no paperwork whatsover except the bottle. No charges were made to my credit card. I had no idea why it was sent to me. It showed on the package it came from Cheshunt Overseas Ltd., 1285 Baring Blvd., #297, Sparks, NV 89434. As Anna says in her review, it is a post office box at the UPS store. I will be following up with this UPS store to let them know of these complaints.

I monitor my checking account and Visa debit card account daily to be sure nothing funny is going on. On January 20, all of a sudden I see a charge for $69.95 for Natural Acai Berry with an illegible 800 number tacked on the end of the name. Then I also see an international tranaction charge on my accout for $1.40. Earlier this week, I receive another package from them with a bottle of their product with 60 capsules, again with no paperwork whatsoever. It shows to be have sent from the above address as well.

I don't know how in the world they were able to get my information. I did not authorize these crooks to use it or send me anything. They must have been passed on the information from another store as we use the Internet a lot to buy things. Needless to say, I went to the bank and put a fraud dispute in on my credit card and returned the product by Fedex. If they don't except it and try to send it back, at least I can prove to the bank I tried to return it since it was an unauthorized shipment. They won't be able to thieve any more money from my debit card because the card is now cancelled and will be reissued by the bank.

In the meanwhile, I have checked with the BBB and they have a BBB rating of "F" which is as low as you can go. On the bottle was the name of thier website, which is ( I ran their website on and found out the following:

Nature Supplements
10161 Park Run Drive
Las Vegas, Nevada 89145
United States

Registered through:, Inc. (
Domain Name:
Created on: 18-Aug-08
Expires on: 18-Aug-09
Last Updated on: 22-Aug-08

Administrative Contact:
Supplements, Nature
10161 Park Run Drive
Las Vegas, Nevada 89145
United States
8005978654 Fax —

Technical Contact:
Supplements, Nature
10161 Park Run Drive
Las Vegas, Nevada 89145
United States
(800) 597-8654 Fax —

Domain servers in listed order:

The e-mail for the Administrative Contact is and for their technical contact is If their e-mails are redacted, please e-mail me if anyone else needs them.

This is the information they list on their website as their contact:

Cheshunt Overseas Ltd.
P.O. Box 642
Charlestown, Nevis
West Indies, St. Kitts.

If you go out to their website under their Terms and Conditions, you will find it says:

Upon ordering your 10 Days Supply of Natural-Acai-Berry you will be automatically enrolled in our Preferred Customer Program. If you have not canceled your membership within 14 Days of placing your order, you will automatically be shipped a 30 Days Supply of Natural-Acai-Berry and billed $69.95 ($65.00 $4.95 Shipping & Handling) to your card. Every month on or around the same date we will ship you your 30 Days Supply of Natural-Acai-Berry and charge your account accordingly.

All sales are final.

Packages marked Return to Sender, Refused, Attempted not known will not be processed or refunded.By hitting the Submit Button (order button) on our site shows you are aware of and agree to our return policy. Due to the nature of our products and to protect our customers we will not accept return products. We will not attempt to resell or restock any of these items.

2. Canceling:

Negative Option Clause - I understand that this consumer transaction involves a negative option, and that I may be liable for payment of future goods and services under the terms of this agreement if I fail to notify the supplier not to supply the goods or services described.

If you have any questions regarding the Product sample or Product subscription plan, please contact customer service at 1-800-278-3620 Monday Friday, 8:00am 4:00pm PST.

This is interesting considering I had never been to their website or ordered their product. According to their terms, they are sending you a 10 day supply of their product to try for $4.95 and enroll you in their monthly shipping program. Within 14 days if you don't cancel, they will charge you $69.95, and look at the caveats that all sales are final and they will not accept any returns. The problem with their rip off program is they hit you for $69.95 before you even get a chance to receive the so called 10 day "trial" product and get a chance to try it out before they start hitting you for the $69.95 per month. All they do is drag their feet for a few days after you order before they ship it, and then their is shipping time by the post office, so 10 days has gone by before you even receive it depending on where your located.

The BBB report verifies that Anna and I have reported:

For Consumers

BBB Reliability Report for
Cheshunt Overseas Ltd.

BBB Rating F

Ratings Explanation
BBB issues Reliability Reports on all businesses, whether or not they are BBB accredited. If a business is a BBB Accredited Business, it is stated in this report
BBB Definition:

Report - A summary of activity reflected in a company's BBB file.includes basic business background, BBB Accreditation information, and BBB complaint activity over the previous three years. Also reports may include any known government actions, advertising issues or other information that results from activity conducted by BBB.
BBB Accreditation
This business is not a BBB Accredited Business.

BBB Rating

Based on BBB files, this business has a BBB Rating of F.

Reasons for this rating include:

* BBB concerns with the industry in which this business operates.
* Number of complaints filed against business.
* Failure to respond to complaints filed against business.
* Number of complaints filed against business that were not resolved.
* BBB does not have sufficient information to determine how long this business has been operating.
* BBB does not have sufficient background information on this business.

Business Contact and Profile
Name: Cheshunt Overseas Ltd.
Phone: (800) 278-3620
Address: 1285 Baring Blvd PMB 297
Sparks, NV 89434-8673
File Open Date: December
TOB Classification: Health & Medical Products - Scientifically Unproven
BBB Accreditation: This company is not a BBB Accredited business.
Additional DBA Names: Natural Acai Berry
Real Solutions Labs

Additional Locations and Phone Numbers
Additional Phone Numbers
Tel: (866) 938-4832
Tel: (800) 277-1597

Customer Complaint History

This business came to the attention of BBB in December. The business offers a "risk free" trial of Natural Acai Berry.

According to information in BBB files, the 1285 Baring Blvd PMB 297, Sparks, NV 89434 address is for a private mail box. The business' physical location is unknown.

Complaints received by BBB indicate consumers are agreeing to a "free trial" of this product but then are billed a minimum of $69.95 for automatic shipments.

Other consumers have stated delivery of the product has continued although the consumer has requested delivery be stopped.

In some instances, complainants state they are having difficulty in contacting the business in attempts to cancel delivery and request refunds using the phone number provided by this business on its Web site. Consumers state they have experienced extremely long waits while "on hold" and constant "busy signals".

To date, the business has not refunded those who have filed complaints with BBB, although the business has responded to some of the complaints by stating it has stopped delivery and future billing.

The business has also provided the following in its explanation as to why it is not granting refunds to those who are requesting them: "every customer is required to read and agree to the terms and conditions of this purchase prior to any and all charges are included in this packet as are the actual terms and conditions linked directly to our website. These terms and conditions detail our Cancellation Process as well as our Negative Option Clause and our No Return Policy because of the potential health risk it poses".

BBB urges consumers to review refund policies along with all of the company's terms and conditions prior to making purchasing decisions.

Cheshunt Overseas, Ltd. Is also known as Real Solutions Labs. A BBB Reliability Report

BBB Definition:

Advertising issues - Claims alleging print or electronic media advertised claims or practices misrepresent the service or product offer.
Or other information that results from activity conducted by BBB.
Is available for Real Solutions Labs from the BBB serving Dallas, Texas. Please visit www.dallas. for details or call (214) 220.

Here is the information on Real Solutions Labs at the BBB, btw, whom also has a BBB rating of "F" with 115 complaints in the last 12 months:

Name: Real Solutions Labs
Phone: (800) 277-1597
Address: 5920 K Ave
Plano, TX 75074-3036
File Open Date: April
TOB Classification: Health & Diet Products - Retail, Services (General)
BBB Accreditation: This company is not a BBB Accredited business.
Additional DBA Names: HoodiaCut

I'm sure more complaints will show up about these practices since they started this Natural Acai Berry product only in August and they are just starting to try and screw people out of their money. If you look at the other Natural Acai Berry products, they charge similar "outrageous" prices of $59.95 to $89.95 per month for their product after short trial periods, but at least these companies will let you cancel or return the product if you don't like it.

Check this out when you go to Real Solutions so called Hoodiacut website:

The HoodiaCut trademark is owned by Virkson Biotech. Real Solutions Labs is infringing on this trademark and Virkson Biotech has taken legal action against Real Solutions Labs to require them to stop using the HoodiaCut brand name. Please note that Virkson Biotech does not offer a free product trial and does not require automatic shipment with automatic monthly credit card charges to purchase its product.

Cleveland, Tennessee

Company: Real Solutions Labs - Cheshunt Overseas Ltd - Natural Acai Berry Supplement
Country: Saint Kitts and Nevis
State: West Indies
City: Nevis
Address: P.O. Box 642 Charlestown
Phone: 8002783620
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