Miley, Cheating & Lying


I purchased a membership last year in hopes of getting advanced tickets. Well, so much for that, because they were sold out in 45 seconds. I read most of the terms and conditions because I have been taken more than once and thought I knew everything I needed to know. I did not receive an e-mail from mileyworld as they are claiming that I should have gotten. When I contacted them, via e-mail because there is no phone number listed, I told them to call me, don't send me an e-mail.

They did in fact call me, but told me basically, I'm totally out of luck. I agreed to their terms and conditions even though they didn't follow through with their part. I called my credit card company and put in a request to fight this. They came back and said I had to pay it because I had initially agreed. So, I paid the CC company and closed my account.

So, I e-mailed Miley World back and 1. Asked them to get me the userid and password since we hadn't used it other than to get tickets and 2. Send me the membership packet that supposedly was sent within 14 days. Well, I got no response for either of my requests. I put in another request today and if I don't hear from them in 48-72 hours (as they say I should), I will be putting a complaint in with the BBB.

The fee of $29.95 is not that big a deal, but it's my money, not theirs. They can spare it more than I can and if you add that up to the many, many thousands of people that fell for it like I did, then it adds up to a lot of money.
I don't like to be taken and I will do what I need to do to fix it.

Company: Miley
Country: USA
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Unauthorized billing

Miley World - Miley Cyrus Co
Miley World will RIP you OFF do not give them your CREDIT CARD INFO! Florida, Miley World, Hannah Montana, Miley Cyrus
Miley world credit Card rip-off

Smiley Miley Inc. Account Cancelation Isssues

TJF Corp, DMS Marketing, Westbury Ventures, LTS Management, Bahamas Marketing Group
TJF Corp, LTS Management, DMS Marketing Westbury Ventures, Bahamas Marketing Group, Ripoff payday loan company, no way to contact to pay off loan, therefore continue to take money out of account Interactive Media Marketing Inc
Membership Refund

Rip off no packet

3G Upload -
Will not reply to customer service e-mails for product returns! California

AAWP Claims their T&C say a lot of things, but they're unable to be viewed