, Miley World, Hannah Montana, Miley Cyrus
Miley world credit Card rip-off


Miley World automatically takes 29.99 out of working peoples pocket, and refuses to return money from people who were forced to sign up last year to try to get concert tickets. If you didnt specify that you don't wat to renew, they take the money automatically, and will absolutely refuse to refund this money.

Here's a letter I sent to them:

Dear Sir/Madam/Board:

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Their business savvy as outlined in the e-mails below has netted them an additional $30 in revenue that they otherwise would not have received for the renewal of our web membership. You see, we like many others joined Miley world under the mistaken impression that we would be able to secure concert tickets. Well, not to be satisfied with that, Mileyworld has figured out a way to squeeze another $30 dollars from our struggling family via their "auto-renew" feature, obviously only offered as a "convenience" to their loyal fans. Good for you! I'm sure that this type of business practice will result in a big laugh as the dough rolls in from all of the other suckers... Uhh, parents who have supported you.

I must say that in the long run, and even already, this will be a wonderful $30 investment for me and hopefully so many thousands of others who I will forward this to. Because for me, this $30 will reward me with savings that may reach tens of thousands of dollars over the next many years.

NEVER AGAIN will I purchase any product associated with Miley Cyrus or Hannah Montana. I assure you, had I made such a decision a couple of years ago, I would be a few thousand dollars richer as we speak. CD's, DVD's, posters, clocks, bedspreads, an ugly wig, too many t-shirts, pajamas, halloween costumes, plates, mugs, and every other piece of crap Hannah Montana trinket that I bought would be money in my pocket had I known of this treatment. Now I know! Thank you!

Furthermore, despite an advertised 40% discount on Disney vacations, my wife and I have decided to forego visiting Disney this year solely in honor of this treatment. Next year isn't looking so hot for them either. But that's OK... You got me for $30. Good job, Mickey!

Will the tens of thousands of dollars that I hope to cost you hurt you? I think that we can all get a little chuckle over that prospect. Of course not! However, the attitude as outlined below over the course of time, while surely netting you millions now, will be responsible for your eventual demise as a viable business enterprise. You are GREEDY BASTARDS, and soon it will cause you much in the way of future revenue as the goodwill will surely fade.

From my tiny end of the world, I committ to doing my part to hasten that eventuality!

Joseph xxxxx

Parents: Please forward!

Original Message

Sent: Monday, January 05 12:53 PM
Subject: Fw: [MileyWorld #153592#] Renewing your membership

Original Message
From: "Miley World Support"

Sent: Monday, January 05 12:19 PM
Subject: [MileyWorld #153592#] Renewing your membership

MileyWorld Support Reply:


Unfortunately as previously stated, we will not be able to issue a refund at this time. Members had the option to set their auto renew to OFF, during the entire year of their membership. They also had the option of contacting us and we would have been able to set the auto renew to OFF. We have set your auto renew to OFF so that this does not happen again and so that you will not be charged for the following year. Please refer to our FAQ and Terms and Rules located on the main page at the bottom of the page.

Thank you.

Original Ticket:

I would like my money refunded immediately. We are a family struggling in todays economy, and we are not in a position to have rich people steal from

Original Message
From: "Miley World Support"

Sent: Friday, January 02 7:32 PM
Subject: [MileyWorld #153592#] Renewing your membership
MileyWorld Support Reply:


Thank you for contacting us.

Our user terms are clear that accounts are renewed on an annual basis.

We do send e-mails notifying all members whose accounts are to be renewed thirty (30) days prior to the date of renewal, and that e-mail contained specific instructions on how to cancel your membership.

As a matter of course, we may refund renewal subscriptions as long as we are notified of your request in a timely manner. Because more than fourteen (14) days have elapsed since your renewal date, your personalized member packet has already been ordered and therefore we are unable to offer you a refund.

P.S. We have turned off auto renewal for the next year

Customer Service

Original Ticket:

I cannt believe that you have taken it upon yourself to delve into my personal checkng account to take money from it. This happened in September and you do not have my permission to do so.

Please refund this money and cancel my account immediately. If you fail to do so, i will immediatel contact my local attorney general to report this business practice. Please dont show me any fine print when you forced me to join to try to get tickets. You simply have NO RIGHT!

Important: Please do not change subjectline if you reply to this support ticket.

MileyWorld Support

Important: Please do not change subjectline if you reply to this support ticket.
MileyWorld Support

Company:, Miley World, Hannah Montana, Miley Cyrus
Country: USA
  <     >  


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