United Reporting Alliance
Checking account scam


Please, if you get a letter from these people "read" carefully. They basically tell you that they are taking money from you and others like you that bought into the hopes of winning money and if by some amazing chance someone evers wins this money if will be due to ripping out hard workers like us. What they are doing is wrong, but you failing to read everything before you give access to your checking account is beyond wrong. Sometimes you are a victim when you choose to be one... Read people, read. They are actually bold enough to tell you that they are ripping you off and that there will be fee after fee behind this mess!

Company: United Reporting Alliance
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 6170 West Lake Mead #0425
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United Reporting Alliance
Bold affront to the naive elderly who cannot read understand the fine print

U.S. Fidelis
Read your warranties


Flatiron Financial Services
Liar liar these people are f@#@#$

NPRC Office National Prize Entry Reporting Center
It read like if I sent the process fee the money would be released to me, I feel like a sucker. It's just wrong

Union Workers Credit Services
Www.unionworkerscredit.com still in business, incorrectly mailing, robbing people of thier money

Trek Alliance aka Bay State Alliance
Don't get suckered in! Fraud

Capital Credit Alliance
Inc. Is ripping me off taking money from my account without my consent

CCA Capital Credit Alliance
CCA " MEMBER CARD " what a joke! Capital Credit Alliance and CCA or CCS? Hmmm

EDP Reporting, LLC
Unworthily internet scam wolves in the form of people!