NPRC Office National Prize Entry Reporting Center
It read like if I sent the process fee the money would be released to me, I feel like a sucker. It's just wrong


How can these people keep ripping off the public using the USPS and not get charged. I will bet my bottom dollar that nobody has ever recieved a prize from this scam. Yet they keep making loads of money getting the hopes up of poor americans that think they won $1,250, 000.
What can a person do to stop this? I beiieve they should be held accountable for fraud or at least for abusing the postal service paid for by tax payers.

fort myers, Florida

Company: NPRC Office National Prize Entry Reporting Center
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Bethany
Address: P.O. Box 9101
  <     >  


Nprc National Prize Entry Reporting Center
This company or organization needs to be tacken down for playing with people dreams and hopes

NPRC Office National Prize Entry Reporting Center
Nprc office national prize entry reporting center it said i won $1,250, 000 and i had to send $19.99 for the attending reporting office fee

National Prize Entry Reporting Center - NPRC
NPRC - National Prize Entry Reporting Center ripoff levittown

NPRC National Prize Entry Reporting Center Signed By J Reitman
NPRC Main Office Said I won a National Sweepstakes in the ammount of $1,250, 000.00

NPRC Office National Prize Entry Reporting Center Signed By J. Reitman
Wants a fee of $19.99 to identify me as Prize holder (ID # 1461816280) of $1,250, 000.000

NPRC, National Prize Reporting Center Main Office
NPRC, Scam Artists

The National Prize Reporting Center
Ripoff! It's what looks like a prize winnng document for, 1,900, 000.00

J Reitman N.P.R.C. Main Office, National Prize Reporting Center
Nprc main office lied

NPRC - National Prize Reporting Center
Extremely deceptive and bad marketing schemes Ripoff!

NPRCor National Prize Reporting Center
The NPRC is a scam. I have bad eyes and didnt see the back, got robbed 20 doallars Ripoff