Us Department Of The Treasury
Unconstitutional use of tax dollars


Bailout? If I printed money irresponsibly, I would then be advised of my ignorance.

The US Constituton and Bill of Rights does not approve of use of tax dollars, forcibly excised from the salaries of the American People, for benevolent use or intervention in Private or Foreign Enterprise.

Tax dollars may be used for: (summing it up)

1) Security, Armed Forces, War, Defense [including health/biological defense].
2) Infrastructure ann Public Works Projects.
3) Social Programs directly benefiting the American People in a time of need, including aid to the poor, mentall ill and indigent (as has been decided in court cases since). This includes Welfare, Medicaid and Social Security.
4) Aid to the States and the States to the Federal Government.
5) Maintenance of the Federal Goverment itself and its attached entities (many of which are themselves tenuously constitutional, many are redundant or inefficient)

Tax revenue is not meant for the welfare of failed public enterprises, welfare for the rich, bailouts for failed companies, foreign banks and entities, stocks, bonds, funds and assets not attached to material value. This is equivalent to bailing out a casino. Bolstering the currency would be a valid use of tax dollars, buying gold, for example. Printing money is the equivalent of currency deflation, resulting in massive inflation, which we are about to see.

I would like to sue the Federal Government for ruining, or considerably redusing my chances of the right to pursue happiness, life and liberty. Why? If I work 80 hours a week, I am not happy that my wages don't buy anything, much less get me ahead, or afford much of an education to do so. Life? I can't pay my medical bills, and the prices go up and my slice of the pie goes down. So my life may be shorter, and the worry about all this contributes. Liberty? How free am I when I can't pay my debts, or get ahead? I haven't gotten a COL increase in 4 years, and execs. At AIG get a $300 million bonus package? How many toilets have they plunged at 3 am to deserve that.

This bailout isn't rewarding success, it is rewarding failure. That is a shame.

Incidentally, $750 will hire people and fix all the highways, open 5 experimental wind/solar farms (wind on top, solar down below), engineer New Orleans to Netherlands standards 10 times over, hire enough Arabic speakers to properly staff the CIA, and back 10% of our money with gold. It will also buy a brand new $75,000 starter home for 10,000 of our soldiers. Building 10,000 homes would put people to work, wouldn't it? Instead of "change", how about, "common sense solutions".


Company: Us Department Of The Treasury
Country: USA
State: District of Columbia
City: Washington
Address: 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Phone: 2026222000
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