Annie Graney/Premier Static Corp
Embezzled corporate info from my company to start their own "exact "company out of state


I have finally made the time to try and share my dilemma with hopefully someone that cares and understands business ethics. We hired a woman named Annie Graney three years ago and opened our business to her and taught her everything, as well as having her sign a non-compete agreement.

To make a very long and painful story short please look at my website and then annie's I understand people have a right to earn a living, but stealing her non-compete from our files, stealing all of her employee records from HR, contacting all of my manufacturers to try and buy product from them, copying our motto almost exactly, and copying and pasting all of our pictures from our website onto hers that if you clicked on that picture it brought you right to our website!

To add insult to injury, all of our company customer info logs were taken. Her excuse leaving our company and quitting was telling us her sons girlfriend got pregnant and she had to move to Florida to take care of the baby. I feel we are dealing with a prfessional criminal and now is making a living from my 15 years of hard work.

Company: Annie Graney/Premier Static Corp
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Beverly Hills
Address: Po Box 640879
Phone: 3527460438
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