Manufacture an inferior product and no honor warantee


November 30 purchased a Vizio Tv in Walmart for $475. Was an xmas present for my mom and gave it to her on Xmas 2007. It was installed by the cable company on 12/26. ON 12/24 it stopped working and just turned on and off instantly when you push the on button. After literally hours in trying to reach them, and talking to many different people, they refuse to take any responsibliity for a tv that does not work, The employees first told me that it was manufactured in 2007 and thus the warantee was over (no matter when it was purchased!) and others told me that it was a few weeks past the warantee. I feel this was a xmas present that I bought a few weeks earlier than Christmas (as many people do) and the Tv was not used for a year. I offered them to see the bill the cable co charged for hook up, but they refused.

Vizio is a terrible product, the employees are nasty and I never would recommend purchasing from them. My emails about this to Walmart went unanswered.

Company: Vizio
Country: USA
State: California
City: Irvine
Address: 39 Tesla
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Customer Service

Vizio Corporate Support Manage

Tv turns off on own

Vizio tvs - TV's

Black Picture Screen

I paid $3,000 for a vizio 65" 3d tv that went out a year and a week after purchase

This product is garbage

Sold a TV That Had VIZIO on The Set But was not Made by VIZIO

Vizio 37in 10a
Verticle Black Lines

Any vizio