Absolute Security
Scam Scam Scam


I responded to an add in my local paper about and oppurtunity to make 800 dollars in sales. The add itself seemed fishy but in need of a job i gave them a call. I was interviewed a couple of days later and was in the interview with David Weinstien (Crook) for 2 minutes and i was hired and had a job. My scepticism grew more intense when he had told me that i had a job after speaking to him for two minutes and that probably is an overstatement it is likely that i it didnt even last that long but the kicker was that i was to start training in 30 minutes.

To open the training class Dave opened with hi my name is Dave and im an alcoholic a lovely first impression it was clear i was in for something that i wouldnt have expected. Then to make matters worse the trainer that was supposed to be doing the class was 3 hours late and seemed pretty cracked out and apparently he to was a "recovering" alcoholic. Nice i thought this guy clearly hasnt stoped doing what ever he claims he used to do. His name was Claude. Not to mention an complete incompetent idiot. This guy was nutz and explained his security system and how he got beat up and how he has cameras all over watching the outside and inside of his house can you say paranoid i wonder who he owes money to, not to the complete disrigard for being in a trainer position and talking about something that absolutely has nothing to with matter at hand. So not only being a waste of time to begin with but this guy wasted even more of my time. I also had strong suspicion that he went to smoke crack on break. He had came out back where i a few of us were enjoying a cigarette and borrowed a lighter and went behind a fence and did not come back till the break was over carrying a suspicious vile and a match book of course you can light cigarettes with matches but certainly not crack pipes.

Dave Weinstien is most certainly a crook the man walk around with cigars in his mouth all day like he was Tony Soprano and it seemed like he couldnt even sell a single thing and another note about this mans branch is that they dont use there own store number they use another area store number. These people probably make out with cash but they seem like just common idiots trying to swindle cash not your more superior criminal that probably has perfected his craft. I havent figured out exactly how there scam works i know you have to pay for your own backround checks and polo shirts which are 40 a piece that you have to have. Then they only do direct deposit nothing else and i found out most people in there did not have bank acounts and probably were unelegable to have bank acounts anymore so i dont exactly know where there getting there grip from but there getting and sales reps just come and go.

Company: Absolute Security
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Brandon
Address: 425 Lithia And Pinecrest
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Absolute Security
Fraud, fraud, fraud

Absolute Security
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Adt Absolute Security Brandon Florida Dave Weinstein
What a ripoff

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