Optima Monitoring & Research Company
Mystery Shopping Scam?


I received a check in the mail for $3,972.00 asking to do a few things, keep $300 for my paid training; shop at local store (given 3 choices); asked to wire the rest of the money back... Follow up with a survey and my receipts.

Vendmart which is where the check is from is a vending company in CA. I'm going to place a call to them tomorrow to see what is up regarding this check.

The letter offers $600 for the first three months then an increase to $750 after another 3 months.

I'm glad I thought about the rule - "If it's to good to be true it probably is, " which caused me to do some googling when I found this site and 2 other posts.

Remember to do your research - the $300 bucks this time of year could come in handy.:) But I don't want to be put on the hook for the bounced check either.

Anyone else do any follow up research on the check/letter given to them? If so, what were your findings?

Johnstown, Pennsylvania

Company: Optima Monitoring & Research Company
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Johnstown
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