One Hour Advances
Approved for $


Gave them all my personal information, told I was approved each time I would go to the website to get the $ wired, i was sent to other lenders and put my personal information in again. I've tried for over a week to get a little extra money to buy christmas for my nieces and nephews and nothing. One company did take $ from my checking account but i didn't received any advance. Merry Christmas to me. I am unemployed and am drawing $63 unemployment benefits a week. I have $12 in my checking account. Something needs to be done to these websites immediately. I unsubscribe to these and some of them are coming back to my email stating bad email address.

Company: One Hour Advances
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 125 N 2nd ST Suite 110
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Approved for $500 advance

Advance Match Team
Approved for $500 but nothing received

Payday Request
Approved for $500
Advance pending please confirm
I received a message on my answering machine saying I had been approved for $400 cash advance, if I would go to there address
Approved for $200, took $19 processing fee, didn't receive $200
Unauthorized billing
Unauthorized charges

Advance Match Team
Unauthorized billing

Palm Loan Advances
Stoled my checking account information -took $30.00 out of my account - without my authorization -made my account in the negative because I did not have an extra $30.00 in my checking - I am very upse