Samuel D. Keller, Sherilea Cook AKA Sherilea Keller, Lorraine Reidy
Samuel D. Keller And Sherilea Cook AKA Sherilea Keller Unscrupulous, Unethical, Fraudulent Landlord/Owner Intentionally Inflicts Harm and Crimes Against Tenants/Buyers' Persons and Property... Causing Irreparable Harm, Windham, Long Lake


S a case of an unethical, unscrupulous landlord/seller of property, Samuel D. Keller, and his fraudulent business practices which victimized the tenants/buyers of said property, Ronald T. Webster and Barbara J. Webster.

This is also a case of unethical, unscrupulous, local, state, and Federal judges who all, each and every one, rendered judgments in favor of Samuel D. Keller and against Ronald T. And Barbara J. Webster without exercizing jurisdiction over the persons or the subject-matter of the case (s), i.E. Ronald T. Webster and Barbara J. Webster were not permitted to present any of their documentary evidence (receipts) and/or witnesses for examination (and/or cross-examination), legally rendering said judgment (s) in favor of Samuel D. Keller and against Ronald T. Webster and Barbara J. Webster NULL AND VOID. My assertion of this allegation is proven on the face (s) of the official court record (s) which positively show that NONE of our evidence was permitted to be presented in ANY court. This is a case of local 'good old boy' corruption that began with the local Town of Windham Justice Court and extended to the Greene County Appellate and Supreme Courts and the United States Bankruptcy Court in Albany, New York.

We were evicted from the property with no hearing on the merits of our case and were not permitted to have our 'day in court'.

Ronald T. Webster filed a Complaint with the Commission on Judicial Conduct, Albany, New York, which is presently being investigated.

Samuel D. Keller had been trying to sell the property for years. It was so filthy dirty and permeated with foul odors that no one was interested in buying it. When we signed a lease with option to purchase the property, the entire property was disgustingly dirty. There were dirty dishes still left in the kitchen sink and broken dishwasher. There were piles of dirty clothes in every bedroom and the laundry room. Our daughter saw dead chickens and rabbits that had laid on the 3rd floor wall-to-wall carpeting. And the yard was littered with toys, knifes, broken shards of glass, and abandoned vehicles.

At Samuel D. Keller's encouragement, we spent thousands of dollars on repairs, plumbing, electric, painting, etc. It wasn't until after we had invested all of our money, time and labor that someone else made an offer to buy the property for $65,000.00 more ($465,000.00) than Samuel D. Keller had agreed to sell us the property for ($400,000.00).

See below:

Supreme court: state of new york
county of greene

Ronald t. *; barbara j.*, index no.: 08-0447

Plaintiff (s),


Samuel d. Keller; lorraine reidy; and notice
sherilea cook,



The Plaintiff (s) hereby briefly describe the nature of the action and the relief sought, and, the sum of money for which judgment may be taken in case of default.

The nature of the action is a complaint for damages, and the relief sought includes compensatory damages and punitive damages as follows:

(Complaint for Fraud and Deceit)

1. Plaintiffs complain against the Defendant, Samuel D. Keller, for acts occurring from and after June 15, consisting of misrepresentation of material facts with intent to induce Plaintiffs to contract with him in a LEASE AGREEMENT WITH OPTION TO PURCHASE REAL ESTATE, including, inter alia, provisions for the Plaintiffs to reside in and develop and run B&B and wholesale cheesecake businesses at the property located at 332 State Route 296, Hensonville, New York, and to close the deal for the agreed purchase price of $400,000.00.
2. The Defendant knew that the represented facts were untrue.
3. The Defendant knew that the Plaintiffs justifiably relied upon said untrue facts.
4. The Defendant caused damage to the Plaintiffs stemming from the reliance.
5. The relief sought is: Compensatory Damages
Punitive Damages

(Complaint for Breach of Contract)

6. Plaintiffs repeat and reallege paragraphs designated 1." through 5." in this notice
with the same force and effect as if more fully set forth at length herein.
7. Plaintiffs complain against the Defendant, Samuel D. Keller, for acts occurring from and after October 27, consisting of breaching the lease agreement with option to purchase real estate by serving upon the Plaintiffs a 3-DAY NOTICE REQUIRING PAYMENT OF RENT OR POSSESSION OF PREMISES, three (3) days before rent was due from the Plaintiffs on October 29.
8. Plaintiffs had performed all conditions, covenants, and promises required of them on their part to be performed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract and oral agreement between the parties.
9. Plaintiffs complain that after the Plaintiffs paid the rent on October 29, within the designated 3-day time period, the Defendant on November 4, served upon the Plaintiffs a 30-DAY NOTICE TO TERMINATE.
10. The Defendant caused damage to the Plaintiffs by reason of said breach of contract.
11. The relief sought is: Compensatory Damages
Punitive Damages

(Complaint for Malicious Prosecution)

12. Plaintiffs repeat and reallege paragraphs designated 1." through 11." in this notice
with the same force and effect as if more fully set forth at length herein.
13. Plaintiffs complain against the Defendant, Samuel D. Keller, for acts occurring from and after February 1, consisting of instituting wrongful criminal proceedings against the Plaintiff Ronald T. *, with no probable cause to institute the proceedings, when the Defendant was motivated not for the purpose of bringing an offender to justice, but primarily for the purpose of attempting to gain an unfair advantage in civil landlord-tenant proceedings between the Defendant and the Plaintiffs.
14. The Defendant caused damage to the Plaintiffs by reason of said malicious prosecution.
15. The relief sought is: Compensatory Damages
Punitive Damages

(Complaint for False Imprisonment)

16. Plaintiffs repeat and reallege paragraphs designated 1." through 15." in this notice
with the same force and effect as if more fully set forth at length herein.
17. Plaintiffs complain against the Defendant, Samuel D. Keller, for acts occurring from
on or about February 1, consisting of improperly obtaining an arrest warrant for and intentionally inflicting confinement of the Plaintiff Ronald T. *.
18. The Defendant caused damage to the Plaintiffs by reason of said false imprisonment.
19. The relief sought is:
Punitive Damages

(Complaint for Malicious Prosecution)

20. Plaintiffs repeat and reallege paragraphs designated 1." through 19." in this notice
with the same force and effect as if more fully set forth at length herein.
21. Plaintiffs complain against the Defendant, Lorraine Reidy, for acts occurring
on or about February 1, consisting of aiding the Defendant, Samuel D. Keller, in improperly obtaining an arrest warrant by making false statements in an official deposition in support of the hereinbefore mentioned malicious prosecution and false imprisonment of the Plaintiff Ronald T. *
22. The Defendant knew that the represented facts were untrue
23. The Defendant knew that police officers justifiably relied on said untrue facts.
24. The Defendant was motivated not for the purpose of bringing an offender to justice, but primarily for the purpose of aiding the Defendant, Samuel D. Keller, in attempting to gain an unfair advantage in civil landlord-tenant proceedings between the Defendant, Samuel D. Keller, against the Plaintiffs.
25. The Defendant caused damage to the Plaintiffs by reason of the malicious prosecution.
26. The relief sought is:
Punitive Damages

(Complaint for Wrongful Institution of Civil Proceedings)

27. Plaintiffs repeat and reallege paragraphs designated 1." through 26." in this notice
with the same force and effect as if more fully set forth at length herein.
28. Plaintiffs complain against the Defendant, Samuel D. Keller, for acts occurring from
and after the hereinbefore mentioned dates of October 27, and November 1, when (a) the unwarranted 3-DAY NOTICE REQUIRING PAYMENT OF RENT OR POSSESSION OF PREMISES and (b) the unwarranted 30-DAY NOTICE TO TERMINATE were wrongfully filed and served upon the Plaintiffs, consisting of the wrongful institution of civil proceedings.
29. Plaintiffs' records and other documentary evidence, and the totality of the
circumstances of the case, show that in instituting said civil proceedings the
Defendant acted without probable cause.
30. The Defendant could not have believed that there was a respectable chance (even
50%) that he would be able to convince a court or jury of the legal merits of his
31. The Defendant, knowing he had no real chance of succeeding, instituted said civil
proceedings solely for the improper purpose of extorting the value of the Plaintiffs'
labor, time, and money which he encouraged to be spent, and selling the property to
a different buyer who would pay a higher purchase price.
32. The Defendant caused damage to the Plaintiffs by reason of said wrongful institution
of civil proceedings, including harm to their Bed & Breakfast business reputation,
extreme emotional distress, extreme physical distress, lost income, etc., stemming
from the proceedings.
33. The relief sought is: Presumed Damages
Punitive Damages

(Complaint for Breach of Duty of Good Faith and Fair Dealing)

34. Plaintiffs repeat and reallege paragraphs designated 1." through 33." in this notice
with the same force and effect as if more fully set forth at length herein.
35. Plaintiffs complain against the Defendant, Samuel D. Keller, for acts occurring from and after on or about July 8, and continuing through the present, set forth hereinabove, consisting of breach of the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing contained in the LEASE AGREEMENT WITH OPTION TO PURCHASE REAL ESTATE contract made between the Defendant and the Plaintiffs, as against said Plaintiffs.
36. The Defendant caused damage to the Plaintiffs by reason of said breach of duty of good faith and fair dealing.
37. The relief sought is: Compensatory Damages
Punitive Damages

(Complaint for Libel - Defamation)

38. Plaintiffs repeat and reallege paragraphs designated 1." through 37." in this notice
with the same force and effect as if more fully set forth at length herein.
39. Plaintiffs complain against the Defendant, Samuel D. Keller, and the Defendant,
Sherilea Cook, and each of them, for acts occurring from and after on or about
July, August, and September, consisting of libel defamation of the Plaintiffs.
40. The Defendant, Sherilea Cook, made false and defamatory statements concerning
the Plaintiffs and published and communicated said statements via the Internet when she posted said statements on and linked it to which can be accessed by the general public through
41. The Defendant, Samuel D. Keller, communicated via the Internet the same false and defamatory statements concerning the Plaintiffs when he emailed said statements to hundreds of email recipients, including local business persons of the community and others, including governmental agents, from his email address, and posted said statements on and stolenhome., which are accessed by the general public through
42. Plaintiffs' records and other documentary evidence, and the totality of the
circumstances of the case, show that the Defendants' statements concerning the
Plaintiffs are untrue and were/are made and published and communicated via the
Internet with malice to harm the Plaintiffs.
43. Plaintiffs can show that the untrue statement was reasonably interpreted by
recipients as referring to the Plaintiffs.
44. The defamatory nature of the communication is apparent from the statement itself. The defendant caused damage to the Plaintiffs by reason of said
libel and defamation.
45. The relief sought is:
Presumed Damages
Punitive Damages

(Complaint for Intentional Infliction of Mental Distress by Extreme & Outrageous Conduct)

46. Plaintiffs repeat and reallege paragraphs designated 1." through 45." in this notice
with the same force and effect as if more fully set forth at length herein.
47. Plaintiffs complain against all of the Defendants, each and every one, for acts
occurring from and after on or about June 15, and continuing through the present, set forth hereinabove, consisting of the intentional infliction of mental distress by extreme and outrageous conduct.
48. The Defendants intended to cause the emotional distress or knew with substantial certainty that it would occur.
49. Plaintiffs have suffered severe mental and emotional distress, and physical distress, for which medical treatment has been sought, because of the extreme and outrageous conduct of the Defendants.
50. The Defendants' conduct is so outrageous in character, and so extreme in degree, as to go beyond all possible bounds of decency, and to be regarded as atrocious, and utterly intolerable in a civilized community.
51. The Defendants, each and every one, caused damage to the Plaintiffs by intentional infliction of mental distress by extreme and outrageous conduct, and have caused the Plaintiffs to suffer damages in that:
(a) Compensatory Damages are calculable by subtracting the Plaintiffs actual dollar position as a result of the breach of contract from the Plaintiffs' projected dollar position had performance of the contract occurred; and
(b) Punitive Damages can be awarded to penalize a Defendant whose conduct is
Peculiarly outrageous.
52. The relief sought is: Compensatory Damages: $70,000.00
Punitive Damages: $400,000.00

Total damages: $470,000.00

ronald t. * barbara j. *

Samuel D. Keller, and Sherilea Cook A/K/A Sherilea Keller, uploaded, published, distributed, and disseminated material on www.stolenhome. and on that defames, abuses, harasses, stalks, threatens, and otherwise violates the legal rights of others, including my husband, my family, and myself, Barbara. They also emailed the same material to hundreds of private and public email addresses.

Samuel D. Keller's, and Sherilea Cook's, material is intended to mislead or does mislead or confuse others who read it.

The material is used for unlawful purposes and for the promotion of dangerous and illegal activities against my husband, my family, and myself.

It is very shocking and sad that they have stooped to such a level of a "smoke and mirrors" scam of lies designed to completely rour prospective business advantages.

Due to the aforementioned, Samuel D. Keller, and Sherilea Cook, have uin our reputations, harm our persons and hurt violated parts of the Content Policies of and and, therefore, I request and demand immediate termination of Samuel D. Keller's and Sherilea Cook's accounts and/or deletion of their Content and/or that they be reported to the appropriate authorities with or without notice to them.


Company: Samuel D. Keller, Sherilea Cook AKA Sherilea Keller, Lorraine Reidy
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Hensonville
Address: 332 State Route 296
Phone: 5186103812
  <     >  


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