Testing Authority
Inc. I fought for my son's refund


My son was desperate for a job and paid over $150.00 dollars to Testing Authority Inc. For their Postal study material. When he told me what he had done I had a funny feeling that they were a scam. Lo and behold a few days later I read in the Los Angeles Times Business section an article that they (Testing Authority Inc. Are in the process of being sued by the Federal Trade Commission.

I called immediately and requested a refund. Of course they gave me their scripted speech... Blah, blah, blah. I told them my son is learning disabled (the truth) and was told I need to fax over medical documentation... Told them I had school documentation but not medical. She told me that it had to be medical documentation at which point I asked for Tyler Long (CEO) since I knew she would be of no help.

I was told there was no way I could speak with him. I googled him and found an article dated 10/31/08. I contacted the Publisher of the newsletter asking for a phone number or e-mail for Tyler Long since this information is not provided on the Testing Authority Inc. Web site.

Well to say the least my son was contact within 10 minutes (not sure if it was because of my e-mailing the publisher of the article) or they knew they had a Mother who would not give up) to say he would be refunded within 3-5 business days. He was refunded and I cancelled his card to be safe.

Company: Testing Authority
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Norcross
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Testing Authority
Rip Off

Testing Authority
In Norcross, Georgia www.testing authority.com Post Office Testing Scam cost me $129.45

Testing Authority

Testing Authority Inc
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Testing Authoriy Inc
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Testing Authority Inc
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