Jacobs Trading Co
Websbestdeals.com Total junk. They sell all the good stuff-product thru their web based store


Yes this company is as fraudyulent as the sky is blu... They sell all of their good products thru their web based store on e-bay... The web page is www.websbestdeals.com... in additon they sell all of their other 'good product' thru their retail store in fridley, MN.

They tell everyone they have no other outlets... Available to sell their products thru. Therefore leading you to beleive they are giving you complelty untouched product when you buy a truck load of their crap—junk. Their ioperations mangaer is basically a kid. Who has no real life experiences. The... The ceo and the operations mngr. Are both totally lost.

They think they can continue to sell the truck loads with no issues. We have bought many truck loads in the past. But the last load of their junk was it!

They continue to let the the sales person by the name of "mark-webert" rip off customers... The only reason we have heard thru the grape vine is that he and the ceo are long -time friends. And the loser 'mark webert" isn't too smart to obtain another job!

This company is terirble. I recommend anyone to file a report with the better busineess burea in your state. As well as your Dept. Of Commerce.

Frankly, we know they have sold pallets of stereos and cameras to customers in their own state of business as well. They say they are not "check or Teched".. That is a total lie!

We refurbish these products. It is quite apparent that they do test them or filter thru them. And sell them at exhorbant prices..

This place is a total train wreck. We worked with a Loren levinsohn. Once... He was ok. But they apparently ran him out of town. We once worked with a Craig. I hear he was let go for in-subordination... He probably was let go because he cared about his customers. Whioch no -one else sems to goive a sh*t!

Beware this company will take your moneyand treat you like yesterdays garbage..

Company: Jacobs Trading Co
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: Plymouth
Address: 13505 Industrial Park Blvd
Phone: 7638432000
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