University Of Phoenix - Axia Online
UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX~ AXIA ONLINE I was given the run around! When trying to withdrawal and cancel from the university


Im finally fed up with the University of Phoenix. (Axia Online College) I didnt realize how expensive this school was. Until 2 weeks prior to my start date, which was November 3. My enrollment advisor was Domingo Young. My financial advisor was Patrick Pettis. So I decided to withdraw and cancel all courses. I found it real simple to withdraw at first. My advisor Mr. Young told me that he would take care of it all. Nothing to worry about. Wrong, not the case at all. I was withdrawn from my courses but not withdrawn from the school. It wasnt till I spoke with my new Advisor at which I found out that some of my financial aid had been disbursed already. Disbursed to University of Phoenix. So I said to self, no problem. I will just call and get this all cleared up. Not the case again, Instead I experienced the run around. No one knew who I was supposed to speak with to get a withdrawal form and an Officiall Cancellation Form. My own advisor couldnt even help me. It wasnt until I got irate is when my Financial Advisor pointed me in the right direction. So I fax everything in on Nov. 19 to Financial Aid Processing Center. I was then told that the process would take up to 48hrs at the most. So I waited until 21st of nov. To call. Still not processed. I called for the whole week and no one could tell me anything.By then you could only imagine my migraine headache. So finally here it is December 1, weeks later. I call and speak to first the financial advisors, the student services dept, and then the certification center. Now I have to wait 30 Days before my withdrawal form will be completely processed. Then will have to wait to receive confirmation of that process in a letter thru the mail. Will I even be guaranteed my refund back for days I didnt even attend. 2,365.00!!! What is up with this college. Why are they ripping off families? Who can I report them to? We need to put them out of business!!! DOES THIS REFUND POLICY APPLY TO ME? OR IS IT MORE RUNAROUND B.S.

Because our courses are designed for working adults, we realize that unforeseen circumstances can arise that might require you to interrupt your studies. As long as you notify us prior to the day of your first class session that you won't be able to attend a scheduled class for which you have paid, we will refund 100 percent of the tuition collected for that the event you are forced to leave a course you have already started, there are a number of options available to you, both academic and financial. Naturally, how much of the class has been completed and the academic progress achieved, along with your state of residence, will influence which options will be suitable for you. For complete details, see your student catalog.

Company: University Of Phoenix - Axia Online
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: WACO
Address: 1230 DELANO STREET
Phone: 2547992385
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