Central Coast Nutraceuticals
Charged my account and I did not receive no goods, the amount of $85.00. Long way from $4.95. I cancelled the order online and they still charged me for the junk. They need to be contacted by an Attorney. They have ripped off a lot of people this way


I orderd the trial size of Acia pure. When I realized it was junk, I called and cancelled any futher shippments. I did not know that they still charge for the stuff even when they do not ship the goods. I was not the only fool to be taken by this awful company. You can try to go to the online address and it is not there. You can't get no help from anyone. I had to report it to the credit catd company and the reported it as traud and cancelled my credit card. I wish I knew where or who to go to to get help for this awful rippoff company. One report came from an employee fot the company. That is just bad. Who can do something about this tragedy.

Company: Central Coast Nutraceuticals
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Phone: 8886928352
Site: support@centralcoastnutra.net
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Central Coast Nutraceuticals, inc
Central Coast Nutraceuticals, Inc Little lambs led to slaughter through surveys used by CENTRAL COAST NUTRACEUTICALS AND OTHERS, lure youto get your money

Central Coast Nutraceuticals
Ordered a trial offer and ended up getting more than what was orderd. I wish I would have seen this website before I ordered. How can these people get away with this?

Ripoff This company doesn't know how to treat their customers

Central Coast Nutraceuticals
Scam - scam - scam!

RJM Acquisition Funding - Fingerhut
Ripoff Bad credit SCAM New York

Ripoff - cancelled before 7 days but still charged a fee

Deep Shark

Central Coast Nutraceuticals
I have cancelled 3 times and they keep billing my credit card New York

Central Coast Nutraceuticals
NutrCentral Coast, Nutraceuticals This company will not stop charging my credit card and refuses to reimburse me for fraudulant charges

Central Coast Nutra Inc
Acai Berry Have Now sent me to collections because I cancelled it and credit card cancelled