Stanford Financial
Stanford Financial: SCAM! Horrible horrible people!


I was contacted by Matt Penny of Stanford Financial notifying me that I had been approved for a secured loan. My fiancee and I both looked at the website, and thought this would help get us out of debt, and caught back up on things. We should have researched them better, that is our fault. I was told to send the first 6 months payments down to a lender in Canada, Ana Louisdale, and that the money would then be in my account by 5pm the next day.

Well, the next day was a holiday, so i called Matt Penny back, and he assured me that because of the holiday, it would be the next day. I checked with him that morning, and he said "everything went through fine, and it should be in there this afternoon." Shortly after that conversation I received a call from the customer service department, stating that the lender had the right to refuse, based on my credit, it was in the contract, and that they were requesting an additional 6 months up front. I refused, and said I wanted a refund ASAP! He stated to me that I would receive one on December 10th, the lender's monthly billing cycle. I lost it! I flew off the handle mad. I am a single mother, with bills to pay, like everybody else. I lost my temper I cussed, and threatened to sue, due to the fact that there was no date specified on the lender's monthly billing cycle. It was practically a month away. The customer service agent and I spoke again later, after all was calmed down, and he said he could knock it down to just an extra $500, after speaking with my fiancee, and as badly as we needed the money, we agreed AGAIN! And boy were we STUPID!

I checked with them that next morning, and he once again assured me everything was a-ok! Shortly there after David Oliver called me and said that the lender had backed out, and was being sued at this time. I tried not to lose it again, but it was SO HARD. He hung up on me several times, because he said he was well aware of my last outbursts that they had recorded. Anyway - he hung up on me several times, even when I wasn't yelling, threatened to make me wait for my refund even later until I apologized to him. Finally I gave in, and I was nice, as hard as it was I apologized. Because of this I could not pay my rent, we had to borrow money from our family that they didn't really have, and we are trying to play catch up now. I am waiting for December 10th to come around, for that refund, but after reading all this, I am pretty sure we won't get it back. What can we do?

Company: Stanford Financial
Country: USA
State: South Carolina
City: Charleston
Address: 4 Carriage Lane
Phone: 8772716911
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