First Plus Platinum
Mislead me to believe I had $7500 in credit. I did with their company only!


I like the other reports that I read, was mislead into believing that I could get $7500 in credit. I had the same experience as the others as far as not getting back online after I changed my password to what I wanted, then got another email with another password and couldn't get online for nothing. Of course, I contacted the number provided and of course I had to hold because they were servicing other customers, of which I am sure were having the same problem as I was and probably just putting everyone on hold... Then you get a click, and a skipped record message that kept cutting off. I then of course emailed the address and got some funky message telling me that it may not have gone through. I tried again and it did go through. Amazingly enough I did not receive another email with a new password as it said it would do. The deposits, now there is another trick... Excuse me, I will not pay a deposit on something that I can go to the store and put on layaway (more trouble, I know) and get cheaper. I too was trying to establish new credit. I believe you have 48 hours to cancel anything... However, there is no one to contact to do that... Watch your account carefully and keep trying to get online with this to make sure that you are not getting charges that you are not making... So far, so good, but I'm am extremely leery. You just can't trust anyone anymore!!!

Oh, and not that it will help much, but be sure and file with the Attorney General's Office of your state and the Better Business Bureau. At least it will be on record that you have been scammed and are aware that something may happen.

Company: First Plus Platinum
Country: USA
Site: www.firstplusplatinum
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Charged my credit card for services that were not requested Internet

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