Finley Engineering Co., Inc
FINLEY ENGINEERING rip-off cheated employees and screwed the customers even more Lama


I have been employed at this company for almost 24 years. Charles Orrell was my boss for 22 years and he retired in early 02. I was moved to a different department under a person named Kim Little. I have always been caring of the company and the work I
did for them. I had a good employment history with Mr. Orrell.

I heard lots of negative comments about this Kim Little. A lot of people do not like the man or even to hear his name. He even admitted to me that one phone company would never let him on their projects or property again.interesting! I was told di-
rectly by Kim Little that my job was terminated.

I requested to know what grounds this was happening on. His reply was "We don't have to tell you, we don't have to answer that, we don't have to have a reason." I approached him at a later date a second time to hear his reason and he refused to talk period. He isn't even
man enough to talk. The truth is he doesn't have a reason.

I have a lot of character witnesses to vouch for me. I have lots of people that would like to see this person eliminated and I have been informed by a number that if this goes legal they are more than willing to be there to testify in anyway that is need-ed to bring justice to a corrupt situation. It so happens that
the department I was moved into has a number of people that do sub-standard work. I have always cared about what I produce and I may have made some people a little uncomfortable because I started cleaning up things that needed fixing.

Mike Donaldson was the resident engineer on the project I was on and I am pretty sure that he and Kim Little went to bed together to terminate me.

One of the last things I remember about Donaldson is the remark "William, if I had to get a real job it would probably kill me/" I have never experienced anything so cold. I was not approached by anyone from the company with any complaints. I was not called in to sit and discuss any issue. I was suddenly and shockingly
terminated without just cause.

This is 23 years of my life we are talking about. This person Kim Little attempted to annhilate my life by ending my "livelehood". I am going to begin seeing
if I have any legal power and if so I will exercise it to the max. I am 50 years old and this is a very heinous act by an excuse for a human being. I believe in friends, God, people, honesty and apple pie and I am here to tell you that the act that has been committed has done damage that can never be taken back. My whole foundation as a person has been shaken badly.

I feel I will recover and go on but right now even after 3 months I am lost. May God help me to do the right things.

Company: Finley Engineering Co., Inc
Country: USA
State: Missouri
Address: 104 East 11th Street
Phone: 4176825531
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