Great Fun Site
I must have unwittingly 'signed up' for some type of membership called 'Great Fun'. This was in no way clear. This is a complete RIPOFF


I was purchasing an item from Footsmart on -line and while completing an order, I was sent to this not realizing it. It was for an offer of 20.00 off my next order which I thought was with FootSmart. I signed up and lo and behold it is a program that charges 11.99 at the time. Now I have a charge of $11.99 a month showing up on my account.

I didn't realize it but notice it on my bank statement. I called the company on Nov. 4th to question the charges and was informed that they have been trying to contact me to send me my great discount card... Hello... They have my address which I confirmed at the moment. So I canceled it. They have been receiving $11.99 for the past 6 months. That I have not recieved no services for. I want my money back!

Company: Great Fun Site
Country: USA
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Great Fun Site
Unauthorized charges

Great Fun (TLG Great Fun,, Trilegiant Great Fun, TLG*GREATFN)
Great Fun, TLG Great Fun,, Trilegiant Great Fun, TLG

Footsmart shared credit card and personal information with TLG Great Fun, a fraud company

Great Fun -
Ripoff Scam, Deceptive Costly

FootSmart Parent Benchmark Brands, Inc
Lower Body Health FootSmart Manufactured Health Products does not have any warranty - Super expensive disposable items Scam, Internet

Footsmart Products
Waste of time: Shopping FootSmart,
GreatFun,,, Trilegiant Corp Great Fun scam a total rip-off

Great Fun
Great Fun! A rip off company charges without signing up

Shoppers Advantage and Great Fun
Consumer Report

FootSmart, Benchmark Brands
FootSmart, Benchmark Brands, FootSmart Overcharges for Shipping and Stalls on Refunding Money