BBandT - unethical overdraft policy, posts debits before credits to manipulate overdrafts


BB&T preys on its customers. They purposely post debits before credits although they are aware that there are credits to be posted to create overdrafts.

My payroll check is deposited every other Thursday night, and the are aware of the amount before I am. It is nothing less than criminal to charge overdrafts just for the sake of fattening their pockets.

I orginally banked with Bank of Louisville before it was bought out by BB&T. I loved the customer-friendly service I received at Bank of Louisville. Since bought out by BB&T, I've had nothing but trouble.

I spoke with an officer the local BB&T after completing a survey and complaining about the unethical overdraft practices. She basically said to get over it because that was the policy.

I informed her that I would be closing my accounts with BB&T, and all she could do was warn me that all banks were implementing the same policy. That let me know that she knew that it was unethical, but because others were doing it, right or wrong, BB&T would follow suit.

Company: Bb&T
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Fayetteville
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