Anytime Products
Nothing but B.S


We placed our order on Wed 10/15/08 and our product was supposed to be delivered within 48hrs (which was the selling point for us as we were in a hurry)! They were also a Women Owned Business and we wanted to be supportive and give them our business.

Friday 10/17/08 I called to check on delivery only to be told it wouldn't ship until 10/27/08. WHY? Your website said 48hr Delivery! They acknowledged that they see where it says 48hr-Ship on their website - Oops. We requested a refund for the shipping cost and Cynthia said she would have Amy (the Manager) call us back to. No suprise, no one did.

We called 10/13 - Amy's not available, nor is anyone else... But Cynthia. She'll have Amy call.

We called 10/14,15, 16,17, 20,21, 22,23, 24,27, 28,29, 30,31 - Amy's not available, nor is anyone else... Only Cynthia. She'll have Amy call.

Still no product - when we call we're told that it won't ship from their warehouse until 10/27/08. Why? Wouldn't you put a rush on a shipment that was supposed to have been there within 48hrs and YOU screwed up?

We have called every day at least 2x's/day. Amy is somehow NEVER available. We are put on hold for approx 10min each time we call only to be told No Manager is Available and No Idea When Manager will be back. We leave messages to have Mgr call us regarding our issues. No one returns call.

I verified that the charges had run through our credit card on 10/16/08. They even called on 10/16 to verify the color.

Still NO PRODUCT by 10/31/08 - called to find out where shipment was and we were able to get a tracking number but the # was incorrect.

The problem is they never do what they say they are going to do!

We finally looked up their company via the internet to find that this is a common problem at their business. We found numerous complaints on numerous websites. REALLY wish I would have checked them out before placing the order. I even thought about doing it because there were several things on their site that looked hoakey and questioned the validity of this company.

Fortunately for us, we placed the order on our Credit Card and they have refunded our money while they investigate.

I will be copying this complaint and posting it on every website I can find and I will be contacting every agency that will listen. Nothing we hate more than LIARS AND THIEVES.

We suggest writing to the Attorney General of CA PO Box 944255 Sacramento CA 94244-2550, the Better Busines Bureau, etc.

Company: Anytime Products
Country: USA
Phone: 8006577289
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