Southeastern Family MKT Services
Fraudulent credit card charges


This company is a scam, they charged my paid off credit card for 289.99. They rambled something off really quick about 2004 I cancelled magazinesbut I didnt do it correctly. They were/are going to take me to court for 3071.00 dollars but instead of going to court I would have to agree to the charge on my card. I told Judy (bi*) to explain this to me and she said don't F'n play that game with me and hung up. I cancelled my card and my credit card company is reversing the charges. Someone needs to stop them from doing this to unexpecting people. What comes around goes around and they will get theirs. They are liars so do not believe anything they say and call your bank or card immediately and report them

Cleveland, Ohio

Company: Southeastern Family MKT Services
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Braedenton
Phone: 9413016862
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Fraudulent credit card charge

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Fraudulent credit card charges