Citi Cards
Raising interest rate suddenly from 9.999 to 28.99 per cent Sioux Falls, South Dakota


At the worst time in interest for payments and prices to go up this credit card suddenly just raises my interest rate. I have always paid and really don't owe that much but last month the minimum payment due was $47.95, this month it is $240.00. Even though I always try to pay more than the minimum due this is rediculous. At a time when people are struggling to make their payments and jobs are being lost everywhere, you have banks that are doing this to the normal hard working person. Until the government steps in and stops this people will continue to go bankrupt because of companies like this. THis is the reason people just stop paying their credit cards because of the rip-offs of banks.

Company: Citi Cards
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: Processing Center, Des Moines, Iowa 50363
Phone: 8006337367
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Bank of America
Awful bank

Sears Credit Card - Citi Bank
Sears Credit Card Administerd By Citi Bank Interest Rate Ripoff - Usury Levels Are Unacceptable

Bank Of America - RCI Credit Card Accounts
Payments posted during lag time before end of cycle date causing Late Fines and illegal interest levels., Bank Of America, PO Box 15019

Bank Of America
BofA are crooks. They are penalizing innocent customers because of the banks own carelessness!

Citi Bank
Raised interest rate because payment was late 1 time

US Bank
Unjustified interest rate hike

Proactive Plannig Solutions
Rate Reduction misrepresented! They don't tell you your monthly minimum payments will be higher then what your paying now. You save on interest but have a higher payment!

Chase Bank

Prayer By Letters-saint Matthew's Churches
Ripoff-i gave $20.00 each time i got a letter and it adds up to about $620.00

Cardmember Services, Chase Bank USA, First USA
WaMu All You Need to Know About Chase