TWX Magazine Subscription Service, Magazine Service Center, Synapse, Inc
Unauthorized, unreported and refused to reverse charges until police report filed


Same as all the other TWX and Magazine subscription service complaints... Only using the program in the attorneys office I work at did I get the company address... Then, using Connecticut Business Registration Records, I was able to lookup the owners and investors, and get their home addresses. Send your copies there as well. (I will not provide on this page - just giving the tools) This is the perfect opportunity to let them know how you feel...

This company was told to not renew; they did anyway. Then they were told to cancel... They still charged 'fees" for the magazines... And try to cancel over the phone or online! Once you call the number, just let it ring through and go through the menu. After 8 minutes, it will transfer to an operator. The website-same thing... They try all these little tricks to keep you snagged. Best bet - call the main office, ask to speak to the office manager... They will deny your call, and send you to the phone system.

Next, call the police in Stamford and make a complaint. (203) 977-4444. Let them know what this company is doing. Then contact the attorney general in YOUR state and in Connecticut... They are obligated by law to follow through. Go for the jugular, and send the message. It works. Then get your state representatives to write in 'predatory acts' for corrupt companies such as this...

Company: TWX Magazine Subscription Service, Magazine Service Center, Synapse, Inc
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Stamford
Address: Synapse Group, Inc. 225 High Ridge Road
Phone: 2035958255
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