Mike Filsaime Hyper Java Traffic Fusion
Mike Filsaime stole 800 dollars from me and won't respond to my emails Internet


I won't spend too much time on this, as I've already spent hours dealing with it already and I'm pissed, and tired.

Mike Filsaime stole my money.

And not 30 bucks, or 100. Eight HUNDRED dollars! Well, 797.

I ordered his Hyper Java package, with a 2 payment (797 each) program. I reviewed it for 27 days (30 day return/refund policy) and decided against keeping it. I contacted the company on Monday the 13th to cancel my order and initiate my refund for the first 797 payment. I also made a SPECIAL POINT to say that I was doing this 3 days AHEAD of the date they were scheduled to take my second payment of 797, and that I did this to ensure there was PLENTY OF TIME for them to process this. I had no reply.

I tried again the next day, and posted to the "help (LOL) desk." I got a reply from the help desk saying "Nancy" was the one who processed the returns (this is the next day btw) and that she would "definitely" take care of me. I emailed her, and didn't hear for 2 days. We're now at Wednesday, and my next payment is set to come out Thursday. So I emailed her and said so. I said "this is now urgent" since they were so slow in responding to me.

Again, I waited. Finally got a reply another day later, some BS. Meanwhile I have been emailing every email account at the company I can find and posting to the "help desk" daily, but NOTHING. It is now SATURDAY (6 days after my original contact) and I have received 2 emails from Nancy - one Wednesday and one Thursday and nothing since, and they have NOT returned my original 797 dollars, and GET THIS, they have stolen another 797 dollars from my account in the meantime!!!

So, yeah, despite my numerous attempts to avloid getting billed again, it didn't help. And, even though I did actually get some replies from "Nancy" it didn't matter, because they took my money AGAIN, anyway.

I don't know about you, but to me 800 bucks isn't chump change.

So now they owe me 1600 dollars, and still I haven't received any word since Thursday. It's Saturday.

I'm only posting this because I am so pissed, and I really can't think of anything else to do. I guess I'll make a complaint to PayPal, but that will take 2 weeks to process, and I'm out 1600 bucks in the meantime. Good thing I'm not facing a mortgage payment or something in the next week. To me it's just annoying, but this could seriously HURT somebody.

What a piece of cr*p this guy MIKE FILSAIME and his company is.

Just my opinion.

You know what's funny? I actually bought his stuff before (another $1000 product) so I'm like a "loyal repeat customer." And when I requested my refund on this product, I told him so. Maybe I thought that would let him know I wasn't just some dude trying to milk the system and get my cash back for nothing. But it didn't matter - I got nothing anyway.

So now, rather than being a loyal repeat customer, I'm a loyal ANTI-MIKE FILSAIME advocate.

Plan on seeing many, many similar posts like this, anywhere I can find that will accept them. Readers, if you have any ideas, please post and I'll take your advice.

Don't let mike filsaime steal your money too! Ignore those "money back guarantees" - they are lying! Don't buy mike filsaime products. Take my warning, i kid you not.

Thanks for reading.

Company: Mike Filsaime Hyper Java Traffic Fusion
Country: USA
Phone: 6316154595
Site: hyperjava.com
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7 Figure
Mike Filsaime - Mike Filsaime, Rip off. Canceled twice, and he still drawing off my debit card. Will not reply to my email Ronkonkoma, New York

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Trafficfusion - HyperJava - Filsaime.com - ButterflyMarketing Beware of Mike Filsaime... Took my $1500 & gave me NOTHING!

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Mike filsaime - 7figure code - 7figure secrets scam new york

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Mike Filsaime
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Mike Filsaime
I had claimed a refund within the 30 days, the refund got confirmed, the email said I would get the money within 6 to 10 business days, now it has been about 2 months and I did not get my money back