Dynasty Sales
Dont let them in


Unfortunately I found out about this company AFTER I had the experience below. What astounded me was that this company continues to use the same tactics time and time again. My experience was exactly like everyone elses. I only wish I would have seen this website before.

I was watching TV on a rainy night when the door bell rang at 8:15pm which is pretty late for someone just stopping by. When I opened the door, it was a teenage kid and his first response was "could you help me". I figured the kid maybe had car trouble since it was raining. He then went into his story about working towards a trip to England to intern at the BBC because he was a journalism major.

He was underdressed and sniffling and shaking so I asked him to step into my foyer. When I asked him what college he went to he said Wisconsin University (all the colleges refer to themselves as University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Whitewater ect) When i asked him if the location was Madison, he said yes. S

O then I asked him what he was doing in our area since it is about 1 1/2 hours away. He said his mom lives on the next road. One of my kids asked if he went to our highschool, he said no they just moved there. I was starting to get suspicious and he kept telling me not to worry and that his Mom told him that everyone on my street was so nice. He even offered to call his Mom so i could speak with her.

After going through the books, none of them were suitable for us. After telling him I wasnt interested, he said I could purchase a book for them to donate to a childrens hospital. I did agreed to that until we started talking about the price. I told him that the price was above my donation limit and he started making me feel guilty and even went as far to ask my kids if they were sick and dying in the hospital if they would enjoy a good book to read.

Then he started chatting up with my kids and petting my cat and it was making me really agitated so i finally broke down and bought a book.

When time came to make out the check and the invoice, I wrote donation down on the memo line of the check and he said I was not supposed to do that. Then when we wrote out the invoice and the shipping information, I asked if that was supposed to be the Children's Hospital and he said no it should be my name and address. I asked how the book would get to Childrens Hospital and he said we would just tell them. I then asked to see all his ID and the company name and he showed me a bunch of stuff. All in all I just wanted him out of my house so I just gave him the check and he ran out.

Immediately after I went onto the internet to look up Dynasty sales and found the other reports on this site. Again, what amazed me was how every report is about exactly the same down to the last detail.

Company: Dynasty Sales
Country: USA
State: Wisconsin
City: Franklin
Site: www.dynasty.com
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