Atlas Contractor Supply - West Builder Supply
Telemarketers use obscene language


Help to put these unprofessional people out of business!

These telemarketers used obscene language to ask about my body parts, and unbelievably then went on to try to sell me something!

I have contacted the Tempe Police Dept - det. Rick DeLong. He advises that the crime (harrassing telephone call) is considered to have occurred where the telephone call is received. He has received complaints from all over the country. Here is the procedure to follow:

1. Make a report to your local police dept. Or sheriff's office. Be sure to get a report number. This report will be for harrassing telephone calls.

2. Contact the Arizona Attorney General's office - 602-542-5025.

3. File a complaint with the Tempe Arizona Better Business Bureau. You may do this online for convenience.

This business owner WILL be shut down as soon as the Arizona Attorney General has enough complaints.

As a business owner, I work hard to ensure that my employees treat everyone with respect and that we conduct ourselves with the utmost professionalism. It is bad for the construction industry to allow business such as Atlas to exist - if they contact you and the experience is negative, please follow through so that the Arizona Attorney General can shut them down.

Calif business owner
Cedar Ridge, California

Company: Atlas Contractor Supply - West Builder Supply
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Tempe
Address: 5861 S. Kyrene Rd. #2
Phone: 4808396249
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Atlas Contractor Supply - Western Builder Supply
Help put these unprofessional people out of business

Contractors Supply, William Honoham
Harassing calls

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Atlas Building Supply, Cal Pacific, West Builders Supply, Atlas Supply, Western Builders Supply
Help put these guys out of business!

Arizona Contractor Supply, Atlas Supply, West Building Supply
Arizona Contractor Supply - Atlas Supply - West Building Supply Total obsene caller, will not stop calling, filthy language

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Atlas Construction Supply, abusive calls, profanity, harrassment

Atlas Contractors
Atlas Contractors keeps calling to sells us products, when we say no, they swear at us

Arizona Contractor Supply, Atlas Supply, West Building Supply
Rude phone calls selling nothing but a hard time