Xavier and Mgi-nyc's two failed attempts to scam money out of me! Beware of the lies! New York New York


About two years ago I was approached online by someone who supposedly worked for a new magazine (CANDY MAGAZINE) who was looking for models and loved my photos, that were vey amature-ish at the time.
They wrote me about three times consecutively before I actually decided to respond to the message that said they "need" me.

Wait, you mean they like these amateur photos of me? They need me??? Wow. Ok great!

So I called the number that was in the message and this guy named JOHN ANTHONY (Now known as Xavier) answered. He was gushing over my photos and telling me how I had a different look and how I was very beautiful.
He seemed so happy that I called. He said that his new magazine needs me and how he's going to fly me and a few other select models all over the world
(Brazil, Tokyo, London, Paris) to do different shoots and attend awards shows and celebrity red-carpet events.

He also asked if I'd be available in 6 weeks so we could fly together to do a shoot in Brazil. I was so excited, I actually bought luggage!

And we'd have our own personal hair stylist, makeup artist, security, and wardrobe person (for each model!) And we'd get paid thousands a month. Oh, yeah, and we'd tour a few states in the U.S. To promote the magazine and get paid for each appearance. HE SAID HE WOULD MAKE ME FAMOUS.

Too good to be true, right?

Well, being very naive and new to the modeling industry at the time, I believed every word he said and was so excited to meet him and sign the contract he offered me that was sent through e-mail.

He also told me he was part Japanese and spent a lot of his life in Japan and London. A 300-something lb, very dark-skinned, Black man with a New York-ish accent from Japan? HA. Yeah right. AND I WAS BORN YESTERDAY.

He also told me that I'd be getting the T-mobile Sidekick 3 (which was the new phone at that time) and a GPS bracelet so that my loved ones can simply go online and know where I am at all times as long as i had this bracelet on.

Every time we planned to set up a meeting at his "office" he'd always want to meet somewhere on the street. Then I thought, Hmmm, why is this so?

Oh yeah, cause he probably doesn't have an office!

Then he'd tell me he's "driving" and he'll be on a certain street and meet him there. When we'd meet, he'd be out of breath, sweating, no keys in sight, with big shopping bags. If you have a car, wouldn't you leave your shopping bags in the car?

Maybe it's because he probably doesn't have a car, either!

This man and his group of scammers are habitual liars

I would get phone calls almost everyday until the date got closer and closer to me signing the contract. Then, he just stopped answering his phone and when he did answer, he'd say he was at a meeting with HBO or MTV pitching a new reality show or working on the "Thundercats" movie. WHATEVER.
And that I was interrupting him.

He'd also tell me that he showed my photos to this person and that person and they really liked my look. Or he'd tell me about an audition, but never get back to me about the time and place i should be there until after the "audition" was over.

A year later, he calls me again and leaves a message. For a good laugh, I decide to call him back. His so-called secretary answers and says that I was chosen to go to some model competition that I HAVE TO PAY FOR, but that I should call him on his cell phone to speak with him myself.

The call went to voice mail and all of a sudden, he has a FAKE BRITISH ACCENT, AND HIS NAME ISN'T JOHN ANYMORE! It's xavier! No lie! I couldn't believe this person had the nerve to call me after a year to try to get money out of me because of his previous failed attempt.

People need to find out about these people and put a stop to this scam. Thier site is still up with PHOTOS OF MODELS THEY DON'T REPRESENT!

Remember... You never have to pay a fee to be a model. You don't have to do modeling school or pay to be in a competition or pay to be in an agency.

That's just bogus... Just like mgi-nyc

Company: Mgi-nyc
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: Lexington Ave, NY
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Industry Model & Talent Studios
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John Casablanca
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