Andrew DRU Gutreuter
Andy DRU Gutreuter Whine Ass Crybaby Mommy's Boy NEW DEADBEAT DAD and a DOOZY at THAT dead beat only cares about himself Dad


Here is a man-child, whiney, crybaby MAMA'S BOY, being sheltered and protected by his MOMMY. One of my son's friends. He relayed a story to me regarding how he got back or started a relationship back with HIS deadbeat dad.

HIS Father said that he lost the best years of his life by not being a good dad. WELL, the little up and coming DBD said to him "One day, when I have kids, I will be a good dad". Well, wouldn't you know it, he made that same promise to ME... That if it did happen, he would be a good dad.

WELLLLLLLLL the little WHINE ASS who is lazy, shiftless, WON'T hold a job did donate his wee widdle SPERM and VOILA... There is now a DAUGHTER. Daddy and Mommy couldn't get along... Many MANY reasons. Now the baby's mom has a new boyfriend... He is angry at that. Doesn't spend time with the baby or shows up late at night... Angry at that. Whined about gas money to get back and forth to work WHINING that his girlfriend will take all his money, yet either didn't show up for custody hearing or didn't show up late... But hey he has a new snowboard!!! Little clue for whineass... His daughter, AND A GORGEOUS BABY... Is looking at the girlfriends new boyfriend with a smile that could light up the world. And THATS WHY I'm angry. He promised ME that he wouldn't do what was done to HIM.

And now that little cutsie pie is looking at Mom's boyfriend THE WAY SHE SHOULD BE LOOKING AT HIM. I wonder if the boyfriend's mom will be known as Grandma, because from what I see... Well... WHINEASS PROTECTOR aka MOMMY doesn't seem to want to make sure that he "owns up to his responsibility". I mean, after all... He IS her baby. But that's OK there WHINEASS, because according to the laws, he could be arrested... I told the baby's mom... DO IT!!! Have the little man-child arrested. I will visit him in JAIL. You know, soap-on-a-rope and bible in hand to give him when I visit. I'd be even willing to TESTIFY on her behalf. Sooooo WHINEASS, what are you going to do NOW!!! The baby is still a baby and there is time to be a good dad. It takes time, responsibility, a little bit of cash, but the main ingredient is TIME WITH THE BABY!!!

But then, maybe in (how long did it take YOU to get to know YOUR dad)... Well you know the deal kid. I love you, but YOU SUCK!!

Company: Andrew DRU Gutreuter
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Mineville
Address: Dump Road
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