Richard Friedberg, Rimona Friedberg, Ari Friedberg, Advantage Rent To Own
Convicted rip off artists in multiple states, multiple businesses


Richard, Rimona and Ari Friedberg are professional thieves (in multiple states, running multiple businesses).

They will tell you w-h-a-t-e-v-e-r you want to hear to get your money: they will make all sorts of promises to you with full written guarantees and everything to make you feel like you're making a safe investment.

Don't believe a word they say. You'll never get what they promise and you'll never see your money again (at least not voluntarily refunded).

They owe me WELL over $10,000 between licensing fees I paid and never received the services... in addition to work I did for them for which I was never paid.

From the public information I discovered (too late), I got off easy!

They have been convicted of tax evasion. They apparently have a history of failing to pay their employees. And according to the articles I've read, they keep changing businesses & repeating their pattern of collecting money from people and failing to provide the services promised & then closing their doors once that opportunity is no longer viable.

In their most recent business, Advantage Rent To Own, they have multiple Licensees in multiple states (AZ, NV, TX, UT, CO, CA). Each of us paid thousands of dollars for the services that were promised to us. Several of us have requested refunds (which we were entitled to per the contract signed by the Friedbergs). None of us has seen a dime of our money!

Don't give them ANY of your money... And don't work for them, ever.

Here's just one of the articles written about them:

* Source: Philadelphia Daily News (PA); 449 words
Published: 1994-03-15
Section: LOCAL | Page 13 | Edition: PM
A trade school accused of misusing federal education money has suddenly closed, throwing 200 instructors out of work and depriving 1,600 students of the classes they paid $4,000 each to attend.

The school, PTC Career Institute, operated in Philadelphia and five other cities.

In a Jan. 5 letter to PTC owners Richard and Rimona Friedberg, the Department of Education said it was withholding funds because of the Friedbergs' misuse of the federal money, including paying themselves salaries of $300,000 each and paying their two sons and a daughter-in-law $200,000 each.

The Freidbergs, both 52, were convicted in separate trials of evading more than $130,000 in taxes. At their trials, testimony was presented accusing them of spending that amount to fix up their $700,000 Villanova home, then writing it off as a PTC business expense.

Company: Richard Friedberg, Rimona Friedberg, Ari Friedberg, Advantage Rent To Own
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Tucson
Address: 4625 E BROADWAY BLVD #201
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